Recent content by Nojh

  1. N

    Why Symphony of the Night Is Not True Castlevania

    This article is not up to the quality I expect from The Escapist. It's rhetoric is poor and it's argument feels like one side of a shouting match at a comic book store. I expected, with the given title, a than a well thought out piece about two classic video games and what it means to be a...
  2. N

    Press vs Pros Draft and Jeskai Ascends to Top 8

    So what was the ruling on three creatures blocking two attackers?
  3. N

    What Made Silent Hill 2 Great and Why the Devs Don't Get It

    Personally I liked Silent Hill 1 over Silent Hill 2. I never managed to finish another Silent Hill game after that although I continued to collect them, strangely enough. SH1 won for me by making an empathetic character who had clear motivations that I could understand and feel for, adding...
  4. N

    The Big Picture: Who Was That At The End of Guardians of the Galaxy?

    People keep talking about "Nostalgia Critic" like everybody knows who they are. I wouldn't mind seeing a Big Picture episode on Howard the Duck, the Movie.
  5. N

    Feed Dump: The Sweet Smell of Theft

    That was an awesome meta-joke at the end before the credits. I nearly fell out of my chair laughing. Kudos, Paul (and Alex & James & Kathleen)
  6. N

    Miracle of Sound: Man and Machine (Titanfall Song)

    This is definitely one of my favorite songs of yours. Along with Joker's Song and Roll Out.
  7. N

    Feed Dump: Drugs, Mayors and Garbage

    Wait. So LRR has run out of hats? I thought that was unpossible!
  8. N

    LoadingReadyRun: The Desert Bus Rap

    Oh nostalgia. That both hurt, was hilarious, and reminded me a bit too much of the 80s to be comfortable. I also couldn't stop giggling, so thank you.
  9. N

    LoadingReadyRun: The Desert Bus Rap

    Obviously you need more cats.
  10. N

    EXP: ScrewAttack's VGV - MegaMan DOS

    I had this game as a kid. It was incredibly hard. Like harder than Mega Man 2 hard. But let me tell you it was satisfying to beat a robot master in it. It was definitely a game where the challenge was in how hard it was not in how you played it. But it is easy to play it now and say "Wow...
  11. N

    LoadingReadyRun: The Hero We Deserve

    Okay totally looking forward to the Loading Time on this one. Also screw Guy With a Cellphone Man. I want to see more about episodes of Lady Landline. She's obviously an actually competent villain.
  12. N

    LoadingReadyRun: Xannathor

    Yay! It's Matt! Also, is it sad that this commercial was better at convincing me to try this medicine, over actual drug commercials I've seen on television?
  13. N

    Unskippable: Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory, Part 1

    I'm amused so far. Let's see how deep the rabbit hole goes. I mean the worse that can happen is I regret this decision for the rest of my life, until I betray, to their rivals, the very people who presented this choice to me, attempting create a false sense of self-worth rather than...
  14. N

    LoadingReadyRun: The New Timezones

    Incidentally, I'm glad someone else also feels that the Fast & Furious movies, while individually aren't the best cinema ever, but watched as a whole, are amazing. Also Daylight Savings needs to die.
  15. N

    Unskippable: Atelier Ayesha

    Not that I would wish this upon you guys but if you do, you /have/ to turn it into a series GPLPs.