This article is not up to the quality I expect from The Escapist. It's rhetoric is poor and it's argument feels like one side of a shouting match at a comic book store. I expected, with the given title, a than a well thought out piece about two classic video games and what it means to be a...
Personally I liked Silent Hill 1 over Silent Hill 2. I never managed to finish another Silent Hill game after that although I continued to collect them, strangely enough.
SH1 won for me by making an empathetic character who had clear motivations that I could understand and feel for, adding...
People keep talking about "Nostalgia Critic" like everybody knows who they are.
I wouldn't mind seeing a Big Picture episode on Howard the Duck, the Movie.
I had this game as a kid. It was incredibly hard. Like harder than Mega Man 2 hard. But let me tell you it was satisfying to beat a robot master in it. It was definitely a game where the challenge was in how hard it was not in how you played it.
But it is easy to play it now and say "Wow...
Okay totally looking forward to the Loading Time on this one.
Also screw Guy With a Cellphone Man. I want to see more about episodes of Lady Landline. She's obviously an actually competent villain.
Yay! It's Matt!
Also, is it sad that this commercial was better at convincing me to try this medicine, over actual drug commercials I've seen on television?
I'm amused so far. Let's see how deep the rabbit hole goes.
I mean the worse that can happen is I regret this decision for the rest of my life, until I betray, to their rivals, the very people who presented this choice to me, attempting create a false sense of self-worth rather than...
Incidentally, I'm glad someone else also feels that the Fast & Furious movies, while individually aren't the best cinema ever, but watched as a whole, are amazing. Also Daylight Savings needs to die.
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