Recent content by not-sid

  1. N

    Poll: Electric Choices

    Which scientist do you think has had more of an impact on today, as far as electronics go, Nicola Tesla or Thomas Edison. If you don't know who Nicola Tesla is, leave this page and look him up he was awesome.
  2. N

    Poll: Toughest person alive

    Who do you think the toughest person alive is? Feel free to put in someone other than the ones I put out.
  3. N

    What are your irrational fears?

    I have a few minor things like heights, spiders, and tight closed spaces, but as far as irrational fears go I hate being in open waters. I keep thinking that somewhere in the murky waters is something that wants to eat me.
  4. N

    Poll: Chance of GTA V this year.

    With Max Payne 3 delayed and the May window now open, how likely do you think GTA V is of coming out this year?
  5. N

    Worst movie that everybody loves.

    See above
  6. N

    Poll: What is your opinion of AMC's The Walking Dead?

    Now I like the show, but from what I hear the opinions of people is pretty split. What do you think?
  7. N

    The next level

    Every few years or so a particular genre takes the lime-light and gets expanded on. There was the adventure game boom and the RTS genre had its time, and still does to some extent, and now it is the FPS's time. Now I've been thinking, what genre will be next, or will we actually see something...
  8. N

    That Just Happened.

    What is your greatest "Holy crap I just did that" moment?
  9. N

    Poll: Is Invisible a Color?

    Sound off in the poll and, if you feel like it, explain your choice
  10. N

    Most Useless Superpower

    I am wondering what you all think the most useless superpower is in all of gaming, tv, or comics.
  11. N

    Most Useless Superpower

    I am wondering what you all think the most useless superpower is in all of gaming, TV, or comics.
  12. N

    Nostalgia purchases

    Recently, nostalgia got the better of me and I went out to buy a used N64 so I could play a lot of my old games, my old one broke, and it got me thinking what are your experiences with this?
  13. N

    Weirdest/Most Horrible Ways You've Been Woken Up.

    I had one of those falling nightmares and woke up in the middle of my living room, still don't know why or how.
  14. N

    What is your least favorite boss fight in an otherwise great game?

    Mine would be the final boss of God of war, that is all kinds of unfair.
  15. N

    What is your favorite apocalypse themed T.V. show?

    I just got finished watching Falling Skies on TNT and I got started thinking what the best apocalypse themed T.V. show was. What do you think?