Recent content by Nyeb

  1. Nyeb

    Great games that only you remember

    Second Sight It was for PS2, you played a psychic guy who has amnesia. Stereotypical, I know, but it was a great game nonetheless. I never beat it, I ended up getting stuck on the last level, so if anyone knows how it ends, I'd love to know.
  2. Nyeb

    What's your Gamertag and why?

    My Gamertag is Chosen Sloth. I joined a Gears of War clan called Team Sloth. None of us like Gears of War 2... I got the idea from that Kung Pow movie. "Chosen One!" "I'm coming!"
  3. Nyeb

    A talent you wish you had

    Boy, hearing some of these wishes makes me feel great about my barely decent singing and C-grade acting. I wish I could dance. I just cant keep the beat, or run out of moves. I also wish i could play hacky sack really well.
  4. Nyeb

    randomest object you own

    A small bronze Buddha statue, although I am technically christian. Take that, commandment 1!
  5. Nyeb

    Prototype and InFamous, why are they compared?

    They're both third person action games. They released in close proximity. When two of anything that's the same genre realease at the same time, they are compared. /thread
  6. Nyeb

    Most useful weapon in Fallout 3

    I have to agree on the hunting rifle as the most useful, but word of advice kiddies. Go to the Republic of Dave and kill Dave. Unlock his safe and find 'Ol Painless. It's a hunting rifle that does a little more damage. The only downside is no more of Dave's Republic. Worth it, for a more...
  7. Nyeb

    Resident Evil 4 - Good? Bad? and why?

    I think that RE 4 was a pretty good game. Some might even say great, for the console generation. I would still like to say that, on the basis of gameplay, RE 5 was better. What do you expect? It's a sequel.
  8. Nyeb

    Poll: Are games becoming too real?

    I enjoy realism in games, but hey, Saints row 2 was pretty fun. No matter how high the realism gets in games, there's always gonna be that one developer who focuses more on fun. GTA IV to SR 2. Burnout to Grand Turismo. Call of Duty to Halo (kinda...). Realism is great, as long as it's fun...
  9. Nyeb

    [Prototype] is anti-climactic

    Maybe Cross consumed the Hunter? You don't find out about Pariah until you get so far into the web. Maybe the developers didn't want to spoil it. But, it does leave room for a sequel if Pariah is still alive somewhere. I suppose that it's up for speculation. I guess it would be anti-climactic if...
  10. Nyeb

    Prototype Is VERY HARD

    Uhhh, there are tricks for everything in the game. Hydra- get a vehicle (tank, heli, etc...) and shoot it from a range, dodging its attacks. Easy. Also works on, uhh, everything? Greene- Make sure you have uber health. Get close, use a devastator, run and heal. Repeat. When she's down, use...
  11. Nyeb

    Middle names.

    I'm happy with my middle name. It's Patrick. It made confirmation a breeze, because I couldn't forget my saint's name.
  12. Nyeb

    Next GTA IV Episode Is The Ballad of Gay Tony

    Ha, wow, bikers to gay guys. No suprises there. I guess I'll download it. It was a pretty good idea of Rockstar to put these episodes on disk, too. Some people don't have internet and they like to ***** about not getting the same DLC.
  13. Nyeb

    Poll: Your definition on stealth, what's your type of stealth?

    4 words: don't step on me Invisible. Camouflage. Like on splinter cell, when i hide in the dark corner and the guard walks like inches away. We need new stealth games, because that isn't realistic.
  14. Nyeb

    How to finally win a war.

    Ha, it seems like it would only be a coincidence. There are more factors to take into account. Like nations tools and talent, their beans, bullets, and bandages. I doubt that place on a globe can decide whether a nation could take over the world or not. But that's a cool thing you spotted.
  15. Nyeb

    Poll: Help me choose a new gamertag

    DaPope It's simple, people could call you by it, and it would be super easy to type. Pretty creative and original, too. Also, thanks for not breaking any of the OXM commandments on gamertag creation.