Recent content by Odin

  1. Odin

    [VID] The Escapist forums moderation is wildly inconsistent (now with data!)

    The flaw in this video's reasoning is that it assumes that all moderation strikes should be treated equally, which isn't necessarily the case. A user being permanently banned for three low content posts, say, would be absurdly harsh, whereas three posts containing racial slurs should be more...
  2. Odin

    Oh hey, MovieBob got fired (Or let go)

    Or this: Which is barely a step above this: I'm sure he's quite the upstanding fellow, though.
  3. Odin

    A review of the Trump Presidency

    He was good for the stock market, I'll give him that. Wouldn't mind a bit of a stability now, though, so the cheap shares I picked up in the China trade wars / Covid crash can appreciate some more.
  4. Odin

    The Abortion debate

    If legal personhood started at conception, would an embryo be a US citizen or would they have to wait until birth to get that status? Would someone conceived but not born on US territory qualify as a natural born citizen and be eligible to run for president?
  5. Odin

    Netflix Cuties becomes the next piece in an ever more idiotic culture war

    Just listing what happens in the film doesn't say much about how it is presented, though. Filmmakers have long honed shooting techniques in order to "show" the audience things without really actually showing anything. Hence how films like A Serbian Film or even The Kite Runner can include child...
  6. Odin

    The ?tinx? revolution continues with womxn

    This one has been around for a few years at least, but yeah. Among other things, it carries the unfortunate implication that non-cisgender women aren't "proper" women, otherwise why not just call them women?
  7. Odin

    Uzaki-proportioned existent woman comments on the ongoing controversy.

    I had to Google Uzaki and she looks like the head of a seven-year-old boy has been stuck on the body of a big breasted woman. I've seen my share of anime and I'm perfectly used to seeing saucer-eyed waifus but this one just looks uncanny.
  8. Odin

    Weeb revolt over trap censorship

    You seem to be contradicting yourself here.
  9. Odin

    Cuties - WTF am I seeing here?

    I'm with lil devils on this one. Something I noticed over the last few years is that plenty of people are willing to comment and complain about the attire of young girls, whether its skirts being too short or bikinis being supposedly immodest. Interestingly, I've never heard anyone make a...
  10. Odin

    ValiDate, a Dating Sim

    Stretch goals (note number 4): Looks painfully, near-parody level, "woke". If that floats your boat then fair enough, but I can't imagine this will have a large audience.
  11. Odin

    Smash player ZeRo admits to sending inappropriate messages to minors.

    Incel is useful, though, as it specifies that we're talking about a specific type of asshole. Whatever it means in theory, in practice people near-universally use it to refer to a particular type of bitter, jaded misogynist, as opposed to some rando who can't get laid.
  12. Odin

    Sexual harassment and rape allegations rapidly being fired off against various streamers

    Did some cybersleuthing, turns out she's 32: So in other words, the guys she was "grooming" would be in their early twenties. This demonstrates why...
  13. Odin

    Biden clenches the nomination.

    The legal principle extends beyond a court of law, though. For example, stating that an unproven allegation is true could be classed as libel (despite what some people might think, social media isn't immune to the law). In practice, nobody's going to be sued for a random comment on a gaming...
  14. Odin

    What is a Mary Sue to you?

    I see the word "Mary Sue" tossed around a lot lately when it comes to characters. When I think of a Mary Sue, I think of this: But often on the Internet, I see it misused to mean the character is overpowered, or even just cliche. Not that these can't be problems in themselves, but they don't...
  15. Odin

    Biden clenches the nomination.

    *alleged rapist. Innocent until proven guilty still applies to those you disagree with politically. And that goes for Trump, too. After the Carl Beech affair in the UK (Google it if you are unfamiliar), it is wise to take any lone allegations against political figures with a grain of salt.