Recent content by Omrosa Samosa

  1. Omrosa Samosa

    Games you've never really 'got.'

    I don't understand the appeal of Final Fantasy games to tell you the truth. Maybe it's my limited exposure to them because I have a bit of a mancrush (can you have a mancrush on a game?....i'm going with disc-crush)on western RPGs. Or maybe it's the style I don't like but yea I watch people...
  2. Omrosa Samosa

    Rumor: Universal Planning Doom Movie Reboot

    Doomed indeed. Also it's Dwayne Johnson, not Dwight. . . . although maybe a Dwight Johnson could have done a better job with the whole, you know, acting thing.
  3. Omrosa Samosa

    Guy Dumps Girl Over Firefly, Makes Music Video

    ha loved this song, and the lady in it is fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine. howevs, much prefer 'I Hate Your Kids' off his website. That there's a song we can all agree with
  4. Omrosa Samosa

    Poll: If you could only get one of these upcoming games, which would it be?

    That was a reeeeeally tough choice! I went with Portal 2 purely because I've been salivating over the sequel since the first game (but tbh who hasn't been?) I did spend a good few seconds hovering over Bulletstorm and the new Elder Scrolls though. Bulletstorm looks like it might be worth a...
  5. Omrosa Samosa

    Your favourite obscure band?

    gotta be 'The Fall Of Troy' personal favourite of many favourites. Guitar Hero 3 didn't do them justice by putting F.C.P.R.E.M.I.X in there as the only song by them.
  6. Omrosa Samosa

    Games you are ashamed to say you love...

    Thanks for all the recommendations. On my iPhone so haven't had a chance to check them out. Will do once I'm near my computer.
  7. Omrosa Samosa

    Games you are ashamed to say you love...

    Visual novels Some are porn some aren't, Some are well written some... aren't Ah thanks bud. Yeah i've never played one. And i can imagine that the writing in that sort of thing is always going to have a pretty...shall i say 'varied'...level...
  8. Omrosa Samosa

    Games you are ashamed to say you love...

    the only thing i'm ashamed of in that game is the screaming 10 year olds I find myself encountering on a daily basis online. Seriously, I didn't buy that game to feel like a dad taking his brat kids to a theme park...and losing to them constantly at air hockey
  9. Omrosa Samosa

    Games you are ashamed to say you love...

    This is gunna sound fairly noobish but what do you guys mean by VN's?
  10. Omrosa Samosa

    Games you are ashamed to say you love...

    ho ho ho i just looked it up. very apt
  11. Omrosa Samosa

    Games you are ashamed to say you love...

    I feel exactly the same about the multiplayer for Prey on the 360. It was laggy as hell and only ever had like 20 people playing online ever but I still chose that over any other online shooter at the time.
  12. Omrosa Samosa

    Games you are ashamed to say you love...

    Seems to me like people are either ashamed of truly terrible games that they genuinely enjoy playing or of admitting they enjoy heavily criticised mainstream games. That's not to say anyone should be ashamed of playing any game at all (except perhaps RapeLay LOL). The majority seem to be...
  13. Omrosa Samosa

    Games you are ashamed to say you love...

    Oh god, not RapeLay...
  14. Omrosa Samosa

    Games you are ashamed to say you love...

    Hogs of War is another one that I used to play to death as a kid. Then when I had friends over and they asked what I'd been playing I'd always be like 'Oh yea, I've been rocking some serious GTA. They rarely fell for it.
  15. Omrosa Samosa

    Games you are ashamed to say you love...

    I very recently was forced by my friend, who had browsed my entire collection of 360 games including many great titles, to play Topspin 2. As one of the first games I ever got for my 360 (back when I was like 13 or 14) I thought we would get bored of it within minutes. Alas, I found myself...