Recent content by override367

  1. O

    The Big Picture: PC Gaming Is Dead - Long Live PC Gaming!

    Uh, a laptop is a pc (unless its a mac). By Bob's reasoning, yes, consoles are also dead. How many exclusives are really being released anymore for the bigguns? That's what I thought, the console is dead. No, what's really happening is a slow combination of utility, an overlap. Games...
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    The Big Picture: PC Gaming Is Dead - Long Live PC Gaming!

    Wait PC gaming is dead? aw shit [] Someone should have told me, I guess I have to uninstall black ops from my laptop? Oh you just meant that PC exclusives diminishing in quantity means the platform is dead? Hey guys, the Xbox 360 and PS3 are...
  3. O

    Poll: If you could live in any Science Fiction Universe which one would it be?

    The Culture Immortality? Check Post Scarcity? Check Anything you want, like really anything, short of enslaving another sentient? Check Benevolent eternal AIs running society? Check Casual recreational sex and drug use? Sure why not Ultra liberal pacifist society that can nonetheless...
  4. O

    Zero Punctuation: Mass Effect 2

    Actually he's wrong you can land on a number of planets. You don't get a mile of square terrain to faff about in, but there are things like exploring a derelict cruiser about to fall off a mountain to find the black box, destroying a blue suns mining operation (which gets you about 5 rich...
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    Zero Punctuation: Turok

    Yea Ron Perlman is pretty much the penultimate game voice actor (Fallout 2 []), so I'll agree with Yahtzee here
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    Zero Punctuation: BioShock

    Actually Kotor's storyline isn't that great if you look at the whole thing, Kotor 2 on the other hand had an enormously nuanced storyline, it's very rare in a game that major aspects of the plot aren't directly told to you. Dark Kreia formerly being one of the jedi masters who taught Revan, and...