Recent content by Paikis

  1. P

    The First Australian Trick Or Treaters from the 90s, NEVER FORGET

    More or less this. Halloween means nothing to me. Sad for the kids who may knock on your door though (although its 1:15am and no knocks yet!)
  2. P

    Cool sayings you've heard.

    Those who laugh last... didn't get it. Some people's sole point of existing is to provide an example of what NOT to do.
  3. P

    Greatest Horror Movie of All Time

    Ofcourse I meant 28 weeks :) Posting at 5am after not sleeping the night before should be outlawed... as should going to work on those occasions. As for Alien, they were great movies, in spite of Alien: ResErection which I felt was pretty bad compared to the rest of the Quadrilogy (it's a word!)
  4. P

    What are you being for Halloween?

    It has nothing to do with patriotism. It has everything to do with simply not caring to celebrate holidays that are meaingless to me. I'd bet the majority of people who celebrate Halloween don't know what it's about. I don't celebrate christmas because its a religious holiday. I don't...
  5. P

    What are you being for Halloween?

    Most people in Australia celebrate Halloween. That doesn't make it Australian. Also I didn't say it was American. The only holidays I do celebrate are Australia Day, ANZAC Day, NYE and my birthday. Xmas and easter are celebrated under protest, and only because its a family thing.
  6. P

    Greatest Horror Movie of All Time

    Other good ones include: Quarantine (copy pasta of REC, but still good) Pandorum Event Horizon
  7. P

    Cool sayings you've heard.

    "People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true. People's heads are full of knowledge, facts, and beliefs, and most of...
  8. P

    Cool sayings you've heard.

    Technically it was a Cave Johnson quote from Portal 2... very slightly paraphrased. :D
  9. P

    Greatest Horror Movie of All Time

    I don't know if it counts as a horror movie, but '28 days later' and '28 months later' scared the crap out of me. I think it was mostly the atmosphere, and the fact that it is technically possible.
  10. P

    Cool sayings you've heard.

    Some of GladOs' quotes were great. Also Wheatley. "When I said "deadly" neurotxin, the "deadly" was in massive sarcasm quotes. I could take a bath in this stuff, put it on cereal, rub it right into my eyes... honestly its not deadly at all... to me"
  11. P

    What is a witch?

    A female with the ability to turn people into newts (they get better) and weigh less than a duck. Monty Python aside, the term has been used in so many different ways its hard to really say what it is supposed to mean. I've always considered it to be the female term for a warlock.
  12. P

    Cool sayings you've heard.

    I heard a cool saying today and thought I'd ask if anyone else had any good ones? The saying went thusly: "Before you shout at someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes over hot coals. That way when you start shouting, you're a mile away over hot coals and you've got their shoes." I...
  13. P

    What are you being for Halloween?

    I'm going to be an Aussie and not celebrate another country's holiday.
  14. P

    Do nice guys really finish last?

    I think the issue is that girls don't know what they want. Or more precisely, different girls want different things. Some of them want you to do little things like open doors for them. Others will spit in your face and scream sexism if you even look like you're thinking about holding that door...
  15. P

    is this actually racist?

    It is racist. It's not hateful though. You are singling out a group of people based on their race. What you're saying about them doesn't matter. Saying that Asians are awesome is still racist.