Recent content by Penitent

  1. P

    Banner Saga 2 Adds a Free Survival Mode

    Feel free to continue. I can promise that its structure of choice-and-consequence puts Mass Effect to complete shame. A lot of choices have different payoff, especially the first game's final decision. Also the caravan is much more important now, and the combat takes the original template to a...
  2. P

    Banner Saga 2 Adds a Free Survival Mode

    I'm astonished by how few people even know the second game came out. The first one's sold a large amount, but the second game has only sold 50,000 on Steam. (source: Can we get the word out? Banner Saga 2 improved on the first game in essentially...
  3. P

    Progressive Zootopia Movie Franchise Ideas And The Implications

    What kind of obtuse bait is this??
  4. P

    A rumour concerning Beyond Good & Evil 2 and... Nintendo.

    You sound so mad that it's hilarious, dude. Just find an NX on the cheap or wait for an emulator. There's no need everyone else needs to not have fun just because you're a grump.
  5. P


    Did I just read a funny Critical Miss strip that was actually about games journalism? I think it's time to let Cory take over.
  6. P

    Wind Waker Symbolism Video! Winds of Change (Feedback?)

    I'm 11 minutes in, but I'm getting an overtly TGWTG feel from your style, which I'm not a fan of. You're trying to say a point that I want to get, but it's often broken up by the overabundant amount of jokes or attempts at humour. You force the tone to change way too much. I've no idea whether...
  7. P

    Shadow of Mordor Art Day

    "Omae wa mo shindeiru." I'd agree with that assessment, Cory. Though I don't think I'll play it myself since I saw Destiny take the combat apart on youtube. While it doesn't seem like there's much real substance, it seems to have put effort into looking & feeling the part. Glad you enjoyed...
  8. P

    The Big Picture: Link Be A Lady

    No, I'd disagree. Making a big deal about the character's gender and choosing then to define their personality is what Other M did, and we don't want a repeat of that. Just make the game like Nintendo would if it were Link as usual, then flip the pronouns. Nothing about it calls for anything...
  9. P

    Game of Thrones Abridged: Season Two - Now With More Bonus Murder and Sex Magic!

    Words cannot express how terrible that was. I'm sorry. There was just no wit anywhere. And I'm a fan of the Crystal Maze.
  10. P

    Zero Punctuation: Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

    By god, he brought up toblerone...
  11. P

    Jimquisition: Lugoscababib Discobiscuits

    There's more to it than that, Jim. The thing is that the violence in Bioshock Infinite, in my opinion, is ramped up too high. Killing people takes too much of the game's attention, and that's harmful because it desensitises the player too much to violence. Booker is a man who's surrounded...
  12. P

    "That's Not a Real Job"

    Not strictly a job, but at a Science ball, a drunk Chemistry student told me that computer science isn't a real science. "I can't do it, I have no idea how it works, but it's not a real science." I hope she was only joking, but otherwise I'm still pretty pissed she spoke down on my course...
  13. P

    Self Improvement

    I don't have the time to answer everything, or even talk about my own issues, but let me say this. The first job you do does not have to be what you do for the rest of your life. I'm in 4th year computer science and also wondering what to do next, but if I had to spend a year working at a job...
  14. P

    Murder in Dragonborn Manor

    B-But Stockpile Thomas is a good man! Good men don't deserve to suffer for the crimes of bad ones! D:
  15. P

    Dark Souls "Unsung" - a Fan Mini-Series Project Video: As a fan of the game, I'm hoping this pays off. There's passion in the project, as the above links go into full detail with, and a level of understanding and...