Recent content by PhiMed

  1. PhiMed

    The Big Picture: SUPERMESS

    I want to believe your interpretation of the character, but Superman's motto, until very recently, was "truth, justice, and the American way!". That phrase, when uttered in the 1950's, doesn't exactly scream, "hooray diversity!" Perhaps in the 80's, but that's not when that motto caught fire.
  2. PhiMed

    The Big Picture: SUPERMESS

    There is a huge audience of people whose only memory of Marvel Comics prior to Rami's Spiderman films is a little show called The Incredible Hulk that pulled gigantic ratings in the 80's. Yes, that was a long time ago, but the people who remember that show definitely have more money than you.
  3. PhiMed

    Zero Punctuation: Nier Automata

    So, what I've gathered is that it's Silent Hill 2, but more Japanese, with better combat. Additionally, you're old now, so you aren't as slobbernocked by "game-changing" symbolic revelations. I know you didn't draw this parallel, but think about the "hit over the head" symbolism from SH2...
  4. PhiMed

    Zero Punctuation: Let It Die

    Nobody cares who won the popular vote. Complaining about the fact that she won the popular vote but she lost anyway is like complaining that the team who kicked the ball more times should have won in a game of soccer. "But they kicked the ball more times! It's time we get rid of this...
  5. PhiMed

    Zero Punctuation: The Last Guardian

    I'm still probably going to get it. I've been wanting to play this thing for years.
  6. PhiMed

    #145: Gloat Time

    Is she going to mispronounce it? It's Ignateus, which does not start with Ignis...
  7. PhiMed

    Disappearing Contributors

    I couldn't help but notice that quite a few contributors to the Escapist disappeared over the last week, as evidenced by the multiple empty blocks in the Featured Content section. Does anyone know what happened?
  8. PhiMed

    The Brothers Grimsby - We're Done with Sacha Baron Cohen Now, Yes?

    Isla Fisher married this guy. That makes me sad.
  9. PhiMed

    Fans "Fix" Ghostbusters Trailer With Recut

    That's because you're cool. You're very cool for not liking something that is almost universally beloved. Congrats on that, chief.
  10. PhiMed

    Fans "Fix" Ghostbusters Trailer With Recut

    I don't know if I agree with you on the aesthetics. The uniforms looked like they got a cheap Ghostbusters Halloween costume from Party City.
  11. PhiMed

    Zootopia - If Animals Can Overcome Racism and Sexism, Why Can't We?

    She is supposed to be feminism's insertion character. And ascribing any negative aspects to anything feminism says is automatically misogyny.
  12. PhiMed

    Basement Dweller

    None of those people he listed were on the fringe of Feminism. None of those quotes were outliers. This is the core of Feminist doctrine.
  13. PhiMed

    Cosplayers Transform My Little Pony Cast Into "Princess Warriors"

    There is someone who spends all day, for several days, doing THIS. Then, when they're doing making this stupid plastic crap that makes no sense, they coordinate the efforts of models, photographers, and graphic editors... for these pictures of people wearing said plastic crap. We are a weird...
  14. PhiMed

    Pan - Some Things Shouldn't Exist

    Yeah, still probably gonna see it.
  15. PhiMed

    Judging By The Cover: Judging The Martian

    ... and gay men!