Recent content by Pickard12

  1. Pickard12

    Review: Alan Wake

    Horray for pre-orders arriving early! I strongly agree with the majority of the comments in the review. So far I am really enjoying the game and I've had to tear myself away from it so I don't finish it in a single day! The story is so engaging like any well plotted mystery/thriller and...
  2. Pickard12

    Question of the Day, April 23, 2010

    I think it would be a shame if Quantum of Solace was Daniel Craig's last Bond film as it was far weaker than the incredible Casino Royale. If they did decide to change I still think Clive Owen would be perfect as no other British actors spring to mind.
  3. Pickard12

    Question of the Day, April 3, 2010

    I actually find it quite strange when I attempt to make a character that looks like myself so I usually go for something different. My two Dragon Age characters, one male and one female, look nothing like me (thankfully). I figure it is boring enough playing 'me' day to day and so I create...
  4. Pickard12

    Final Fantasy watered down?

    Yeah the option of switching contol of your character would have been a nice inclusion especially when someone like Sazh prioritises Enfire over something like Haste or Bravery! Where are Biggs and Wedge too!?
  5. Pickard12

    Final Fantasy watered down?

    Whilst I understand some of the points you raise, I don't necessarily agree with all of them. I too really enjoy the battle system and think it does an excellent job of creating intense battles that successfully merge action and tactical elements. I think it would be far too hard to control...
  6. Pickard12

    Strangest way you've died in a Game

    Not a way I've died but one I had the pleasure of witnessing. Just a friend and myself were left on the finale of Crash Course on Left 4 Dead and in desperation to get into the truck my friend tried to jump in early, got trapped under it and then got crushed. Couldn't stop laughing for ages.
  7. Pickard12

    What moment in gaming induced you with rage; in a good way

    Agree with mimsofthedawg I went into a rage after that happened on KH2. I was induced with rage in Mass Effect 2 when you make the speech before you go through the Omega-4 Relay. Think it was more adrenaline combined with the intense cutscenes wondering if anyone would die! Then when I landed...
  8. Pickard12

    Escape to the Movies: Special: Bond Girls

    Great video but I would disagree that Vesper Lynd in Casino Royale was simply a 'plain old woman appearing in an action movie.' What elevates Casino Royale from it's predecessors is the fantastic narrative and the relationship between Bond and Vesper which in turn forges Bond into the man he is...
  9. Pickard12

    Look Upon Playboy's "Sexiest Game Trailer Ever" and Despair

    That video preview for Darksiders was so very boring. It looked like they just got an attractive woman to elaborate on bullet points from the back of the game's box. Does this woman really have an interest in video games?