Recent content by pigsnoutman

  1. pigsnoutman

    Why the XBone is a good console

    I want the xbox to be competative. Because without competition, SONY will become as bad as microsoft are planning to be.
  2. pigsnoutman

    So I just bought Civ IV...

    The Me In Team has many CIV4 let's plays on youtube. He plays quickly on high levels, but explains what he does and showcases different strategies. Otherwise, try to aim for peaceful victory conditions(with wars here and there), as conquering the world takes forever until you've learnt the...
  3. pigsnoutman

    Survival Horror on a Cruise Ship

    I know this will eat into the realism, but how about a infra-red camera/sensor which you carry and is 1st person. This would make fighting enemies much easier to fight but make exploring not much easier. That or a motion sensor? The other idea could be that you start with passenger level...
  4. pigsnoutman

    Unskippable: Final Fantasy XIII-2

    Anyone know the units for "currents of time"?
  5. pigsnoutman

    Building Planes

    We have reached a cruising altitude of 3 mega-dittos.
  6. pigsnoutman

    Is Freedom Of Speech All It's Cracked Up To Be?

    No way any restrictions to free speech would help suicidal teenagers, unless they really enjoyed prolonged legal battles.
  7. pigsnoutman

    LoadingReadyRun: Ways To Do Your Taxes

    Fairly sure clones are dependents.
  8. pigsnoutman

    Poll: How many on the Escapist dislike anime?

    Congratulations. You've got an unrepresentative sample.
  9. pigsnoutman

    LoadingReadyRun: Whole Story - Fire Hydrants

    Like story guy, but much better.
  10. pigsnoutman

    LoadingReadyRun: Ways to Close the Deal

    Nate is awesome at writing as well as occational appearances.
  11. pigsnoutman

    LoadingReadyRun: Job Security

    Really good one.
  12. pigsnoutman

    LoadingReadyRun: Garagellenium

    I was hoping they would end up remaking installation anxiety again. That or a girly magazine quiz.
  13. pigsnoutman

    Trailers: Portal 2: Boots

    Stop putting adverts in front of (really good) adverts.
  14. pigsnoutman


    New testiment.
  15. pigsnoutman

    Daily Drop: Light Bulb

    I'm glad the crew are as dismaid as I was when it survived.