Recent content by Pinhead Larry

  1. Pinhead Larry

    What would you say the best games of this generation have been?

    It's no surprise to anyone that this generation is- finally- coming to a close. It started out looking like we were going to live in the future, and now, nearly 7 years later..the future's brown/grey and full of chest high walls, and grunting space marines. Assuming every game scheduled to come...
  2. Pinhead Larry

    Should I get the new SSX?

    Title says it all really. I loved SSX Tricky, put up with SSX 3 and cut myself at the other abysmal ones, but I played the demo and it seems alright. But I never trusted demos since Mirror's Edge, and I only paid £2 for that ;/ Anyway, looking past how nightmarishly terribad EA are as people...
  3. Pinhead Larry

    Street FIghter x Tekken has more on-disc DLC than you could possibly imagine

    What surprises me is that if this was Mass Effect, Halo, Asscreed or anything like that, everyone would've gone mad. But people don't seem to be fussed really. This is, on the whole disgusting! Xbox owners get about 70% of a game for absolutely no reason. No hardware limitations, no MS policy...
  4. Pinhead Larry

    Street FIghter x Tekken has more on-disc DLC than you could possibly imagine

    Apologies if this has been posted, but I didn't see it (it's probably been buried due to ME3 threads, as will this) It turns out Capcom have decided they'll shovel an absolute arseton of DLC onto the disc of SF/T. I'm not sure what goes on in Capcom land, but I'd hate to be there. They seem to...
  5. Pinhead Larry

    How do they get away with releasing games like Skyrim on consoles?

    People expect it from Bethesda. It's got to the point where we all knew and expected bugs in Skyrim. I had a few crashes on PS3, after 30 hours it started slowing down in the overworld but that stopped. I got locked out of the College Winterhold during the big twist in the College sidequests...
  6. Pinhead Larry

    What Games Should Stop Being Made?

    Why? Justify your opinion at least. If TES and GTA were coming out every 2 or so years, yeah, I'd understand. But it was 4 years between Oblivion/IV and Skyrim/V. No need to be so touchy because someone's called you out.
  7. Pinhead Larry

    What Games Should Stop Being Made?

    lolwut.jpg TES games come out every 4 or 5 years and generally maintain a particularly high standard, I assume you want GTA to stop too
  8. Pinhead Larry

    Poll: Do you play Skyrim for the Game Play or the World and Lore?

    For me the gameplay's unintuituve, clunky and kind of annoying sometimes. But the world is amazing, it really takes you in. I played Skyrim expecting to be all 'CONTROVERSIAL' and despise it, but it's the only RPG that a.) let's you do literally whatever you like, and b.) keeps your attention...
  9. Pinhead Larry

    Your favourite Joke Weapon in a video game

    You'll probably say it doesn't count, but even in a game full of tentacle spawning black hole guns and murderous trash talking robot teammates, the Morph-o-Rays in the Ratchet and Clanks are fantastic. In keeping with the theme, so is Timesplitters 3's monkey gun. Off the top of my head...
  10. Pinhead Larry

    is it worth getting psp?

    I doubt it's not been said already but coming from someone who got the original then upgraded to a Slim & Lite: -Fantastic games. FF Tactics, Crisis Core, Patapon, Locoroco, Dissidia, God of War, Exit, Daxter, R&C, Wipeout, Burnout, Medal of Honor, GTA, Lumines, Killzone, Everybody's Golf and...
  11. Pinhead Larry

    Games with exceptional locations

    Am I the only person who likes Paradise City from Burnout? From city center, to mountain range, to exotic island, it was pretty much perfectly suited to it's cause, it really felt like it was designed with gameplay in mind. Skyrim was also good, a fantastic representation of the frozen north.
  12. Pinhead Larry

    Are you looking forward to borderlands 2?

    Honestly this is what I'm happiest about, I loved Blands 1 and I only really noticed how striking this one looks after seeing the new palette. Couldn't agree more about a collector's edition, I remember Gearbox started a thread on the forums asking people what they'd want to see in one, so...
  13. Pinhead Larry

    Games you liked but quit playing due to an (arguably) stupid problem.

    Shadow of the Colossus, first time round on PS2. I was about 13, and had no sort of logical thought process. Holy SHIT the fourth colossus took me an inordinate amount of time to work out. With the benefit of retrospect and sex-o-vision HD graphics on PS3, I appreciate it a lot more. Any game...
  14. Pinhead Larry

    New Sony handheld... Vito, or Vital?

    It's a pun I'd love to get one but to be honest I hadn't seen the games in physical form til yesterday, the boxes are so tiny...way to ruin my neatly OCD-based collection, Sony :(
  15. Pinhead Larry

    Could the Guitar Hero franchise be revived?

    There was that year where about 11 rhythm games were released, and the sales were abysmal. Then no-one bought Warriors of Rock (I did on release...whoops) and Activision put GH 'on hold'. Harmonix did the same after bad RB3 sales I think.