Recent content by Pinkamena

  1. Pinkamena

    Who is your favorite monster/beast girl in terms of aesthetic design

    oh my god it looks so dumb. I burst out laughing when I scrolled down and saw it.
  2. Pinkamena

    Anyone else watched Alien: Covenant? (Spoiler)

    I quite liked it. But I am still unsure about why David did as he did. What was his reason for wiping out the creators? Why did he create the aliens? Why is he so intent on stopping the spread of humanity? I feel that his reasons are not well explained.
  3. Pinkamena

    What things irrationally scared you as a child?

    For me it was flushing the toilet, of all things. Of course I still did it (like the big boy I was), but the loud noise scared me. I had seen some childrens cartoon about an alligator that lived in the sewer and would walk around in the tubes and up through the toilet. Whenever I flushed it I...
  4. Pinkamena

    MUFFINS! (And Moar!)

    I actually said "oh nooo" out loud. That is so wrong.
  5. Pinkamena

    Error Mr Smith

    The covariance of a series of joint gaussian stochastic distribution is the mean of the covariances of the distributions
  6. Pinkamena


    I took this opportunity to go mincing on the edge of the precipice of lewdness.
  7. Pinkamena

    Look Up You Fools!!

    I've only gotten to the supercrite level. Congratulations! Anyways, I think it's a bit strange law. Most people are able to multitask, and so both use their phone AND not walk into speeding traffic. If they aren't, then that's hardly our problem.
  8. Pinkamena

    Be Loud, Be Proud, You're Allowed In These New Escapist Shirts

    I think I'd rather wear a shirt made of actual spiders.
  9. Pinkamena

    We Can Now Literally Pull Fuel Out of Thin Air

    Is OP unable of writing critical journalism or merely unaware of the first law of thermodynamics? These processes will by the laws of physics never be efficient.
  10. Pinkamena

    Poll: Do you actually find Lovecraftian horror scary?

    Having actually read most of his stories, I can say I do not find them scary. But I still think they are good stories. They all have an air of the mysterious and unknown about them, and that's what I like.
  11. Pinkamena

    The Danish Girl - Transgender Issues in the 1920s

    I'd rather have a competent actor than a shoehorned trans person for the sake of PC.
  12. Pinkamena

    Poll: Star Wars VII's lightsaber combat changes, yay or nay? (Spoilers)

    "better swordmanship" No. The saber fights in the prequels were glorified dancing and fancy jumps. It looked fake as fuck and had absolutely none of the gravitas of the original trilogy.
  13. Pinkamena

    Terrible dating advice

    Maintain eye contact. Never blink. Establish dominance.
  14. Pinkamena

    people drive person to suicide for not drawing characters right.

    But hey, the show creators called them out on their bullshit. Officially now the Worst Fandom.