Recent content by PopoAndNana

  1. PopoAndNana

    Does anyone remember Jet Set Radio Future?

    I don't think there are words strong enough to describe how much I love the Jet Set series. I would sacrifice a bull if it meant we got another game from Smilebit and Sega. I also think I have the most obnoxious collection of art and merch from the series. I got the toilet paper from TGS when...
  2. PopoAndNana

    There Will Be Brawl: There Will Be Brawl: On Set

    I LIKE YOUR IDEA SIR. And I went ahead and fixed your PS's for you. ):D But really guys- We spoke with Matt (who was still editing last night for you all) when we dropped off some dinner to him (at like Midnight) and this promises to be WELL WORTH THE WAIT. On behalf of those we can speak...
  3. PopoAndNana

    There Will Be Brawl: There Will Be Brawl: On Set're SO sweet! We're glad to know you find us "distrubing" which I can only assume you mean that you want to disturbingly rub us with affection. That said, EVERY creepy character on Brawl is creepy as hell! Mercer really knows how to cast the creepsters! Take a look at...