Recent content by PotluckBrigand

  1. PotluckBrigand

    Is FFXI still worth playing? (Or worth playing at all?)

    Thanks to everyone for their input. I still haven't made my mind up, but it sounds like at least a few people still play. I wanted FFXIV to be good so bad, but well... I think most people will agree it was pretty awful. I'd love to try the Realm Reborn (I signed up for the beta, but haven't been...
  2. PotluckBrigand

    Is FFXI still worth playing? (Or worth playing at all?)

    I've been playing FFIX the last few days and having a lot of fun (I haven't played through it since it first came out back when I was still in high school), but it's put me in a mood to play more Final Fantasy. I used to play FFXI. I played it when it launched and got bored of waiting for...
  3. PotluckBrigand

    Poll: Would You Play Another Bioware MMO?

    I don't see the point. I know I'm not the first person to say this, but SWTOR was a better single-player game than a multi-player one by far, and I wish they had put the effort spent on the MMO aspects to just expand the solo experience further and we would have had a really great game instead...
  4. PotluckBrigand

    That's your arguement...?

    I think for the most part I agree with your points. I should clarify that I am not saying that NO ONE is worth talking to. I am making a generalization which I don't necessarily think is unfair. There is certainly a percentage of 'Net denizens who are not, to use a tasteless aphorism...
  5. PotluckBrigand

    That's your arguement...?

    I also didn't mention that the conversation originally started when they were talking about celebrating Cinco de Mayo with their Spaniard friends. As far as I am aware, Spain has nothing to do with Cinco de Mayo, so their error was doubly... well... erroneous. "No, no... it can mean either...
  6. PotluckBrigand

    That's your arguement...?

    But to be fair, searching for meaningful debate on the Internet is like trying to find haute cuisine at a McDonald's (no offense intended to McDonald's... I loves me some Chicken McNuggets, pink slime and all). There's a big difference between someone interested in a discussion or debate, and...
  7. PotluckBrigand

    Poll: Favorite alien Mass Effect Species

    It's not a British Accent.... it's a QUARIAN accent! (duh ^_-)
  8. PotluckBrigand

    Poll: Favorite alien Mass Effect Species

    I like the Salarians, which is odd to me because my robo-philia should pretty much guarantee that I like the Geth (or by extension the Quarians)... but there's just something about the physically-frail but almost nefariously intelligent Salarians. Mordin is probably my favorite character in the...
  9. PotluckBrigand

    That's your arguement...?

    Well that's the terrible thing about arguing with nine people... they assume that because there are more of them, they must be correct, and I didn't have enough fists to punch them all. (As a point of interest, the whole scenario would have been moot nowadays since a simple two-second Google...
  10. PotluckBrigand

    That's your arguement...?

    I had an argument with NINE people way back in High School about whether Spaniards came from Spain or Mexico.
  11. PotluckBrigand

    Mass Effect Movie Script.

    I'd love to see a movie in the Mass Effect universe... it's a good setting with lots of opportunities for new and fun stories. I don't really see the point of a movie about Shepard since one of the biggest selling points of the entire series is that you get to shape the way Shepard develops and...
  12. PotluckBrigand

    10.7 Billion Year-Old Spiral Galaxy Stuns Astronomers

    Haha yeah that is actually not a bad point. I suppose I should say that's what *I* like about science. Like anything else (writing, art, office temping, oral sex, whatever) I suppose someone who would call themselves an expert would be hesitant to admit anyone knows their business better than...
  13. PotluckBrigand

    10.7 Billion Year-Old Spiral Galaxy Stuns Astronomers

    Yeah that's kind of the point of science, really. It's not really first come, first served... I like when we learn things that are contrary to things we already thought we knew. Nice reminder just how much there is left to learn.
  14. PotluckBrigand

    Hilarious Names of your Characters

    In Dragon Age 2 I was "Mike Hawke." hurr hurr. Also, this one was totally unintentional (and has probably been done before) but I named my Machop in a recent Pokemon playthrough "Jesus" and then every time his turn was up it said "What will Jesus do?" I got a kick out of that.
  15. PotluckBrigand

    Any 2nd person games

    I believe that is correct, at least by the dictionary definition of Second Person. As far as the CAMERA is concerned... the only thing I could think of that would come close would be Real-Time Strategy games or SimCity... something like that? You're controlling your own view as opposed to...