Recent content by Rahne

  1. Rahne

    Poll: Best FPS ever?

    Resistance: Fall of Man. Hands down. In a sea of modern first person shooters ALL following the same stupid trends of modern generation, Resistance (the first one) was a shining gem that gave a middle finger to all of that.
  2. Rahne

    Gay Gamers Want Dragon Age 2 Writer Fired

    I like how the petition in support of David has more than TWICE as many signatures. Hah. This dumb bastard who's complaining must feel like a real idiot.
  3. Rahne

    Greetings, everyone!

    Thank you so much! And gosh, I'm not sure! Jefferz, our director got this out surprisingly fast. I think it was a couple months.
  4. Rahne

    Greetings, everyone!

    Well, it just so happens, my latest project has been released today! A fandub clip of Vampire Knight Guilty Episode 1. I appear at the end. ^_^ Tell me what you guys think! Keep in mind, it's all amateur work. None of us are...
  5. Rahne

    Top Ten games you have played

    Mass Effect Perfect Dark Resistance: Fall Of Man GoldenEye Killer Instinct Gold Double Dragon 2 Gears of War 2 Bloody Roar: Primal Fury Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Resident Evil 4
  6. Rahne

    Greetings, everyone!

    I don't really make a big deal about my furryness. It's just another part of my life. :) Big part of my life, rather. I wasn't really making any effort to say anything about it, actually. Sure, I could grab something and post it on the forums. :) I'll post my newest one when the director is...
  7. Rahne

    Greetings, everyone!

    Haha, nice. Wow, so many replies in such a short time! Thanks for the welcome, lads! And lasses! :P
  8. Rahne

    Oldest Game You Still Play

    Currently Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 on Xbox 360. :P
  9. Rahne

    Greetings, everyone!

    I sincerely apologize if this is in the wrong sub-forum, but I can't seem to find a proper introduction or welcome thread anywhere around here. XD In any case, hello, everyone! I'm not actually new to the site, because I've been watching Zero Punctuation for quite a while now. But I am new to...
  10. Rahne

    What do you think is the best underrated no-hyped game

    I am honestly surprised that Left 4 Dead is on so many people's lists here. Seriously, Left 4 Dead is, by no means, underrated, and ESPECIALLY not under hyped. I heard faaaaaar too much about it before it even came out. Personally, I think Valve is overrated, myself. I'm going to go ahead...
  11. Rahne

    I never really liked COD4

    When I first played Call of Duty 4, I actually hated it. First of all, I'm not big on multiplayer. I don't go out and buy games simply for multiplayer. The one thing I hate most about COD4 is the health system and how easy it actually IS to die in multiplayer. It's freakin' cheap! But I think it...
  12. Rahne

    Games that got ruined in sequels

    Oh, I also have to list Perfect Dark Zero. I know this thread is about sequels here and while Perfect Dark Zero isn't actually a sequel, per say, (it's actually a prequel to the N64 game), it's still chronologically a successor to the original game on the N64. I'd like to state that the original...
  13. Rahne

    Games that got ruined in sequels

    Personally, I'm going to have to say Resistance 2 was a huge let down for me. There's several reasons for this. First of all, Resistance: Fall of Man was one of the best games I've ever played, especially for a first person shooter. It was fantastic, but one of the major things that made it so...