Recent content by Ratty

  1. Ratty

    Have the term "Retro" lost all it's meaning in regards to games

    Basically lazy (indie) devs are giving it a bad name. Sprite art and 2D games are much more doable on a limited budget/timeframe, so for every talented caring dev crafting beautiful retro-inspired pixel art there's tons of people who don't know what they're doing who just throw pixels together...
  2. Ratty

    Whats so great about Nintendo games?

    It depends on what you're looking for. Generally Nintendo games are bright, colorful and family friendly. So if you got into gaming primarily with grimdark brown shooters or GTA they might well not be your thing. I'm not a huge Nintendo fan but I do enjoy Zelda and recognize that most 1st party...
  3. Ratty

    Obsidian accused of transmisogyny in Pillars of Eternity

    Yes, witch hunting, because this is 1 optional, hidden joke that this person is demanding be changed because "this is not acceptable in 2015", asking for retweets and trying to incite moral outrage. Also- lying about the content of the joke to exaggerate its implications. It is never specified...
  4. Ratty

    Obsidian accused of transmisogyny in Pillars of Eternity

    A lot of these backlashes are intended to let the devs know their audience supports them. Those demanding changes often portray themselves as a monolithic majority (when they're not pretending to be helpless/under attack) when that simply isn't the case for a developer's fanbase most times. It's...
  5. Ratty

    Obsidian accused of transmisogyny in Pillars of Eternity

    True, when people say "censorship" in these cases they often mean witch hunts, shaming and threats which lead creatives to self-censorship ( ). This is merely shorthand however, since the outcomes are the same. Like comics...
  6. Ratty

    Obsidian accused of transmisogyny in Pillars of Eternity

    Saw this floating around. Pretty good summation of the situation I think. It's a sarcastic term anyway, so there's always a bit of irony when it's used as originally intended. Like "keyboard warrior". Since the label denotes people who pretend to fight for justice but instead just want an...
  7. Ratty

    Obsidian accused of transmisogyny in Pillars of Eternity

    He's a giant hypocrite. He calls himself a consumer advocate but refuses to criticize anti-consumer behavior in his friends like Leigh Alexander, indeed defending them. I heard he also stabbed TotalBiscuit in the back today as well, while TB was in the hospital. I can't confirm that since I...
  8. Ratty

    Obsidian accused of transmisogyny in Pillars of Eternity

    Meanwhile, in the Philipines, gangs of Neo-Nazis are killing actual transwomen. But please SJWs, do tell me about how this joke in a video game hurt your feelings/how indignant you are.
  9. Ratty

    Jim Sterling and the Mystery of the Missing Review Copy

    Eh, he's a smaller entity now. I'm sure he has a bad wrap with Japanese devs after how unprofessional he was in his videos on Konami. But while that would be enough to justify not sending him one, no company owes anyone a free review copy, I highly doubt that's the reason he didn't get it. They...
  10. Ratty

    Any online D&D communities?

    Yeah Roll20 is good, I've used it for over a year now and depending on how elaborate you want things like your tiles to be (you can purchase/background maps/settings, I prefer to just draw the maps on like on a graph paper/vinyl mat) the games are easy and quick to set up. If you're going to...
  11. Ratty

    Things that only work once that you see used repeatedly

    Jump scares. The way I see it every horror movie deserves exactly one, two if they earn it. (i.e. if you do it twice it better not be "oh it was just the cat" the second time) Anything beyond that is gratuitous and usually varying degrees of annoying and boring. Hasn't stopped them from being...
  12. Ratty

    Should we have some kind of "moral standards" orginization in video games?

    Hasn't it been shown that ESRB ratings are more strictly enforced than MPAA ratings? Art is a market of ideas, as long as no living beings are harmed in the production finding something distasteful or morally objectionable is not an excuse to try and censor it. And limiting an items...
  13. Ratty

    too soon for hl3

    If they announce a new game on 3/3/15 at 3 PM (as I read) it'll probably be Left4Dead 3 on their new engine. Weren't some images of this leaked a while back? Unless those were fake or I'm misremembering.
  14. Ratty

    Quick Question: How we call these kind of books?

    This is why I have my art books and guidebooks on the same shelf, they're largely interchangeable much of the time. I've also got my (tabletop) game books next to them so yeah source book would be a good term I think.
  15. Ratty

    How long do you think until DVDs are gone?

    VHS tapes beat the superior Betamax format in the early 1980s for 2 reasons- it was the first to have blank tapes that were long enough to record an entire TV show/movie (which did not crash the movie industry, contrary to what their lobbyists claimed at the time when trying to ban home...