Recent content by rawrmonsta

  1. rawrmonsta


    Id say if you can wait for mists to drop Id say play WoW. Its by far the most polished MMO around, That Ive seen anyway. As for something not on your list The old republic is a very nice mmo, Granted it is a lot like WoW in game play but it brings enough new to the table to be interesting and...
  2. rawrmonsta

    Why do people rage about stuff that has no effect on them?

    Ive got a few friends like this, its pretty sad lol. I'm in a similar boat to you OP I'm not a fan of most of this fad stuff but I cant muster enough shits to give in order to actually hate them or complain about it.
  3. rawrmonsta

    Are you boycotting any companies?

    ehhhh not really. Im not buying ME3 because of the shitty business that went on with that but not whole company's really.
  4. rawrmonsta

    I'm pretty sure this is the funniest forum, ever

    Some people are just... yeah lol WTB more of these videos though :P
  5. rawrmonsta

    Anyone farmiliar with warren farrell?

    Ty for mentioning that :P This post was a quick one as I left this morning and certainly needed a bit more detail.
  6. rawrmonsta

    Poll: Are you a feminist?

    Everyone wants equality, the difference in the definition of equality is where all the confusion comes in. If you view equality as financial power and worker rights within a vacuum then your more in line with feminists. If you view equality as equality of opportunity and quality of life...
  7. rawrmonsta

    Anyone farmiliar with warren farrell?

    Ive just started reading some of his books and listening to some of his interviews. He pretty much puts into words exactly what my view is and adds more to it. His stance is that both male and female rights are important, but in order to successfully move forward we need combination of the two...
  8. rawrmonsta

    What super power would you have?

    Touche, I did not think of that :P maybe id just go for the whole superman deal.
  9. rawrmonsta

    Poll: Harrison Ford

    when I read the title the Indiana Jones theme instantly started playing in my head :P
  10. rawrmonsta

    What super power would you have?

    Clairvoyance, seeing the future and being able to prevent issues and help the world and after im don't doing that I can win the lottery a few times and be uber rich >:D
  11. rawrmonsta

    What's your life's "that"?

    I went on a date with an outspoken feminist, Which then lead me to actually looking into social issues, politics and considering more seriously studying at university.
  12. rawrmonsta

    What's something you've wanted to do your whole life?

    Get married? Might be an odd pick for most men but being part of a functional lifelong marriage would be what Id like most. Sadly the way society is right now leaves me very pessimistic about my chances of that actually happening.
  13. rawrmonsta

    Poll: Erotic magazines , do you buy them?

    I don't buy them, I did buy two when I was 16-17 as it was all I could get my hands on. But now I have the Internets which makes buying them seem silly.
  14. rawrmonsta

    Name your child!

    Hmmmm for a boy either James or Adam For a girl Eve. Mostly because I like those names :D.
  15. rawrmonsta

    Poll: Are you a feminist?

    Ive spent a pretty long time pondering over this topic and have shifted my position a fair few times over. But the conclusion I come to is that feminism is exactly what it says it is "Equal rights FOR WOMEN" Which isn't a bad thing but its not what we need. The problem I see here isn't that...