Recent content by Raytan941

  1. R

    Poll: Lets pretend the government passes a law stating that you can't have a gun anymore...

    As has already been stated multiple in this thread and others like it violent crime rate and murder rate have been decreasing steadily over the last 20 years and are at an all time low. The only major gun regulation that has been passed in the last 20 years was in September 1994 when the Clinton...
  2. R

    Poll: Lets pretend the government passes a law stating that you can't have a gun anymore...

    If that is what you really believe then where does your pursuit of safety end? Human beings being the flawed creatures we are and this world with both its natural and man made dangers it is imposable to ensure ones safety 100% of the time. But if safety and order is of utmost importance to you...
  3. R

    Poll: Let's settle something right now, can you defend yourself with a gun?

    No insult intended but you really don't know what your talking about. The majority of handguns are very accurate out to about 50-100 yards, of course a good deal of that accuracy depends on the person using it. But your average person should have little trouble hitting a 10 inch target at 25...
  4. R

    Poll: Lets pretend the government passes a law stating that you can't have a gun anymore...

    Ah I get it now, should have seen it earlier, your just here to troll. Well at least we can all now ignore all those truly ridiculousness things you have been saying, I gotta admit for a while you had me going.
  5. R

    Poll: Lets pretend the government passes a law stating that you can't have a gun anymore...

    So wait a minuet, your argument seems to be that most of the time bad things don't happen so no one needs to bother being prepared if they do happen? That may very well be the most illogical argument for gun control I have ever heard, congratulations. Most of the time car accident don't happen...
  6. R

    Poll: Lets pretend the government passes a law stating that you can't have a gun anymore...

    Unless you lock yourself in a steel vault for the rest of your life it's not possible for you to prevent yourself from being the victim of anything so whats your point? Unfortunately we don't live in a utopia we live in the real world and even if you could flip some magic switch and suddenly...
  7. R

    Poll: Lets pretend the government passes a law stating that you can't have a gun anymore...

    In this case (and I thought it was rather obvious) a law abiding citizen is anyone who can legally purchase a firearm. There seems to be a lot of people on this forum that are totally ignorant on US gun law (probably cause they don't live in the US) and they have this idea that anyone can just...
  8. R

    Poll: Lets pretend the government passes a law stating that you can't have a gun anymore...

    While we are doing things like this, count the number of legally owned firearms in the hand's of law abiding citizens in he US, now count the instances that those legally owned firearms were used to commit a crime by their owners. You'll find that the former number is so small as to be...
  9. R

    Poll: Lets pretend the government passes a law stating that you can't have a gun anymore...

    I never said that I think guns made the crime rate drop I said that's what some groups like the NRA claim and I said I disagree with that statement. I do think that the fact that we have more gun's and less crime in this country now then 20 years ago is an interesting fact and I think it...
  10. R

    Poll: Lets pretend the government passes a law stating that you can't have a gun anymore...

    It's all well and good to talk about non-lethal options but the fact of the matter is non-lethal weapons even under ideal circumstances are just not that effective of a deterrent. Can you scare off or disable an attacker with pepper spray or a taser or stun gun? Yes its possible, can you scare...
  11. R

    Poll: Lets pretend the government passes a law stating that you can't have a gun anymore...

    It was not meant to be ridicule sorry if you took it that way I just used your line to make my point cause it was the first time I had seen it used on this thread. It's something that I see on a fairly regular basis it truthfully does make me chuckle every time I see someone say something...
  12. R

    Poll: Lets pretend the government passes a law stating that you can't have a gun anymore...

    You just gotta laugh at a statement like this, sad part is I see it all the time coming from these anti-gun folks. No one ever suggested that people should be allowed to own nukes or daisy cutters or surface to air missiles. Personally I don't think any person or government for that matter...
  13. R

    Poll: Lets pretend the government passes a law stating that you can't have a gun anymore...

    This is exactly the kinda response I was looking for. Your right of course a 40 MPH country wide speed limit is a ridiculous idea and that was exactly the point I was trying to make. Even if it would save thousands of lives for your average everyday driver the benefits DO NOT outweigh the...
  14. R

    Poll: Lets pretend the government passes a law stating that you can't have a gun anymore...

    What I am really tired about hearing in this gun debate is this line about "if we can just save one life then passing all these laws are worth it" I have heard both the President and Vice President as well as many others say something to that effect and it's a complete load of garbage. Gun...
  15. R

    Poll: Lets pretend the government passes a law stating that you can't have a gun anymore...

    Humm so you mean the army, you know the guy's with all the gun's tanks and whatnot sided with the people against the government and then the government was brought down. Sounds about right and sounds like an armed revolt to me, and don't try to pretend like it was not bloody a lot of people were...