Recent content by Razmas

  1. R

    How do non-americans feel about being the president of the USA in Saints Row 4

    To be honest, I really enjoyed it. I thought that my cockney President's first order of business would be to make tea drinking mandatory. Except they're the Saints so... Stripper-tea? Is that a thing?
  2. R

    New Vegas: Why Join the Legion?

    Simple. You join the Legion if you're playing the most evil ************ in the Wasteland. There is literally no other reason.
  3. R

    Man crushes?

    Viggo freaking Mortensen. Who hasn't had a crush on Aragorn at some point.
  4. R

    These ads are making me want to escape from this website.

    So...if you want to escape from this website, I suppose that would make you the REAL escapist here! I'm sorry. OT: Yeah, it's been said a load of times really. Ads and publisher club memberships pay for the site and it's employees. Just think, every advert you sit through pays another...
  5. R

    Poll: Favourite Melee weapon

    I'm very partial to swords because I just think they're a very elegant weapon; but I'm quite fond of halberds too.
  6. R

    Poll: What character type do you fall under?

    Lazy guy. I'm so lazy I could barely be bothered to answer.
  7. R

    Creepy Skyrim Serial Killer Keeps Heads on Shelves

    Dexter, Dexter! Where th fuck are you? We need you NOW!
  8. R

    Skyrim: What is your insane project?

    Find and wipe out every last Thalmor agent in Skyrim. You fuckers will pay for usurping Summerset Isle!
  9. R

    What race are you planing on playing in Skyrim

    Altmer Mage, gonna be the descendant of my Altmer mage in Oblivion as it happens. Score one for originality!
  10. R

    Modding Oblivion Questions

    In response to your queries: 1. No, mods will not adversely affect your games in any way (unless you install them incorrectly I suppose). You can simply enable or disable mods at any time in the 'Data Files' section of the launcher, even if you disable a mod and then play the save you had it...
  11. R

    You now have a Army of the last thing you killed in a videogame.

    Depends on who it is. If I had an army of Guan Yu I'd be pretty happy. On a related note, mine was Lu Bu so...yeah...
  12. R

    Best video game music?

    Pretty much anything by Jeremy Soule. Apart from that, I've always thought that the Two Worlds and Two Worlds 2 soundtracks are outstanding.
  13. R

    Let's revive the WWII genre

    Now that sir is a good idea! OT: I still enjoy a lot of WW2 games, probably because I'm really interested in that period of History...But if you're looking for a different approach to WW2 games I reccommend Death To Spies...
  14. R

    How many of you outside of the UK actually want to see the royal wedding?

    I live in the UK and to put it lightly I couldn't give a flying fuck. I'll probably spend the day playing Portal 2 with my girlfriend. Far more productive.
  15. R

    You can be ________ for an entire day.

    Quite simply, yes. That or Guan Yu.