Recent content by reallycoolusername

  1. R

    Please prove me wrong about Marvel.

    I have been reading comics for about 6 months now and i am really getting into it. I started by getting graphic novels from my library and went from there. I have been getting into Hellblazer, Transmetropolitan and the such and something is annoying me. I can't get into Marvel. Say what you...
  2. R

    The Big Picture: The Other Street Fighter

    Okay when bob first started digressing for long periods of time in these things i was into it. i liked that he backed up his opinions with obscure references. but for the last two episodes its been less of "this is my opinion" and more of "how weird is this". I do agree that this is...
  3. R

    Does Marriage at an early age signify how smart someone is?

    I often notice alot of smart kids have trouble unwinding. As the old "your a freak" kid i often noticed that they are unprepared to try new things and taste new avenues of life. i always figured they were just scared of not knowing what will happen next. all the kids who i know that got an...
  4. R

    New Warner Bros. Pres Eager to Reboot Batman for a Justice League Movie

    no, more no and just fuck no! Batman and Iron man were the two landmark films that showcased how to properly turn comic books into films (arguably that list can extend to Scott Pilgram and The Watchmen but for different reasons) Batman showed critics that it was possible to create great...
  5. R

    World's best suggested paradox

    The sentiment of "i know nothing" if i say this then i am aware that i know nothing and actually know someting (if only that one sentance) therefore knowing this renders the initial statement invalid. therefore causing me to arive back at my orriginal state
  6. R

    What did you get for christmas?

    i got a shiny new pair of sais and a deck of rider waite tarrot cards. and no, im not kidding. i love my family
  7. R

    Internet Lieing

    the reasons behind people lieing to other people are pretty obvious (so lets not bother with that) the big question is, why are our the lies the same? what's so favourable with being young, american and athletic? i mean where are the smooth talking british people, or the rough irish, or...
  8. R

    $2.50 Reviews: The Prestige (2006)

    there is one major thing to notice about this film which has had alot of effort put into it. it acts the way a magician acts i do alot of work around circuses and inevitably i meet alot of magicians. what you said about keeping you at a distance is sort of the point. when watching magic you...