Recent content by ReverendBob

  1. R

    The Contradiction of April O'Neil in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

    This is actually a really great point. Note, however, that you need a correct use of a hyphen, not a comma. See hyphenated, compound, or phrasal adjectives See A strong female character is correct for our conversation. It is a character that...
  2. R

    Game of Thrones Season 4 Ep 7 "Mockingbird": The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing

    I won't pretend to speak for others in this thread, but I think Ross's heavy handed references to what "might" be important or what "might" happen next are a poor choice for this sort of article. Book readers (of which I am) are already aware of what import a scene might hold and of what is...
  3. R

    What Has Nintendo Done Right Lately?

    Dear Editor/Ben, Nintendo is a singular noun (much like Microsoft, Sega, and Sony), unless you are using it in some odd sense throughout the article to refer to joint actions of NOA and NCL. This apparent misunderstanding led to subject-verb disagreement (e.g., "Nintendo were" as opposed to...
  4. R

    Nintendo Owes Ex-Sony Man $15 Million Patent Infringement Damages

    As an attorney that has followed this case, lets correct some errors that are both in the article and in some of the above comments: 1) "$15 million is only half the amount the engineer sought." - A more correct statement is $15 million is only half the amount the patentee was awarded...
  5. R

    Your Top Ten Favorite Video Games

    A view from the older crowd. Results ranked by how much I love them, but organized by genre: 1. The Secret of Monkey Island - (runners up: Full Throttle, Grim Fandango) Ah the venerable and late appreciated Adventure Games. I have loved the Monkey Island series for more than twenty years...