Recent content by rickie-d

  1. rickie-d

    Fans Shoot Live Action Cutscenes for Command & Conquer 3 Mod

    (Chubby guy in "dad's sweater", reporting in.) Oh wow, I was not expecting to see this (at least so quickly) on websites like this and Joystiq. DEFINITELY wasn't expecting to see my big, goofy face screencapped on 'em mere days after release. I must admit, I don't actually play Command &...
  2. rickie-d

    The Escapist Presents: MovieBob Reviews Star Trek

    To clarify my position from earlier: It's not the points of MovieBob's "review" I particularly disagree with (hell, on some points, I agree completely). It's the presentation. I'll have a more complete response to the video as a whole later, but in the meantime all I can really say is...
  3. rickie-d

    The Escapist Presents: MovieBob Reviews Star Trek

    I have specifically registered for these forums, for a website I am a big fan of, and check a few times a week to watch the new videos, on a computer that now frequently BSOD's at a moment's notice and is thus more of a hassle to use than not use, simply to say that this is single-handedly the...