Recent content by Ripley Marquis

  1. R

    What's the Most Generic Romance Anime?

    I am working on a project, and I am trying to find the most generic high school romance anime, with the most generic characters and most generic visuals.The sort of thing that is so perfectly like every other romance anime that it is almost remarkable in its unremarkability.
  2. R

    Characters Who Are Both Scientists and Magicians

    In the Netflix Castlevania series, Dracula seems to have mastery of both supernatural powers and the traditional sciences.
  3. R

    Lovecraftian Game Mechanics

    I am working on a project related to the influence of H.P. Lovecraft and his brand of horror on video games.Right now, I'm just looking for different resources related to the subject, seeing how games have tried to convey cosmic horror in the past, and some ideas for how they might do so in the...