Recent content by RobinEggs

  1. R

    Marines posed with Nazi SS symbol in Afghanistan

    Speaking of controversial imagery, check out this image of a swastika hidden in the roof of a San Diego naval barracks. Nazi sailors! OMG...
  2. R

    Marines posed with Nazi SS symbol in Afghanistan

    I saw the SS symbol on a forum thread a few weeks ago and thought "huh, what's that thing"? I also visited DC this summer, spending an entire day between the Holocaust museum and the Smithsonian exhibits on American wars. I've read Schindler's List, Night, Man's Search for Meaning, the Diary...
  3. R

    Poll: Was this police shooting justified in your opinion? (Graphic)

    Yeah, I see a lot of people saying that as if it specifically justifies the escalation of force. It does not. Any officer properly trained with a Taser will understand that it's not a true firearm; there's lots of ways for it to fire but still fail to deliver a disabling blow. The fact...
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    Poll: Was this police shooting justified in your opinion? (Graphic)

    What is wrong with you people?!? I can't believe most of you saw nothing wrong with any part of that event. Even if you think the shooting was justified, which is a debatable but credible opinion, what about that second burst of four shots, a full second after the first five rounds were...