Recent content by RobotZombieNinja

  1. RobotZombieNinja

    Your Avatar is your face

    Hmmmm... Ironic. But sometimes the night is kind to me...
  2. RobotZombieNinja

    For the older gamers (10+ years of gaming), what is your GOTD (game of the decade)?

    Tough... I'll have to go with 3: Half-life 2 Kotor 1 & 2 Fallout 3. These are in no particular order.
  3. RobotZombieNinja

    Is it that hard to find a virgin?

    They are getting harder and harder to find. And, considering I sacrifice one every month, I'm an expert on such matters.
  4. RobotZombieNinja

    Richard Dawkins.

    Richard Dawkins, is basicly what all atheists would look like, if atheism was a religion. He's about as dogmatic about evolution as church leaders are dogmatic about God.
  5. RobotZombieNinja

    Want feedback on my story, dont kill me!

    Hmmm... In the first paragraph the writing feels somewhat corny and soap opera-esque. Also, the whole "not much dialogue" thing, it should only be used when you want your character to feel disassociated with the world. You should incorporate into flashbacks and the viewpoints of hugely...
  6. RobotZombieNinja

    What kind of music does the Escapist community prefer?

    I can't concur more. Although, I would add Bob Dylan and Jimi Hendrix. OT: 1. I listen to classic rock. 2. I'll listen to: Queen, The Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, CCR, Simon and Garfunkel, Rush, Boston, and a lot more. 3. All Along the Watchtower would have to be my...
  7. RobotZombieNinja

    Give me an example of an adult-oriented, mature western animated film or TV show

    To avoid the obvious, (South Park) Batman: The Animated Series. If you don't believe me, watch an episode. It's hardcore.
  8. RobotZombieNinja

    Positively smashing untrue facts.

    Smitty Werbenyagermanjensen, is the best name ever.
  9. RobotZombieNinja

    Mass Effect Movie: No Femshep, no Seth Green, Original Story.

    I'm more disappointed that the movie isn't about the best character... BLASTO THE JELLYFISH!!!!!
  10. RobotZombieNinja

    The misinterpretation of evolution

    I don't care that much. Evolution is obviously true, and creationism is obviously true. Anyone who doesn't juxtapose them is an ignoramous.
  11. RobotZombieNinja

    5 Videogames everyone should play

    1. KOTOR (series) 2. Half-life 2 3. Fallout 3 4. Portal 5. Mass Effect (series) Honorable mentions: L.A. Noire Battlefield (series)
  12. RobotZombieNinja

    the worst movie ever!

    Probably, 2001: A Space Oddysey.
  13. RobotZombieNinja

    Which platform?

    Not for mjuch longer with Playstation Plus, coming out.