Recent content by rofltehcat

  1. rofltehcat

    What Does the End of Moore's Law Mean for Gaming?

    Are you sure about that "consoles/gaming are probably held back by their CPU" part? It is quite possible they used a far too slow CPU to begin with but I was surprised how well my 2011 550? PC (i5-2400) runs Witcher 3. CPU sure as hell wasn't an issue. I'd even say the currently slower...
  2. rofltehcat

    Crookz - The Big Heist Review - Tactical Theft Simulator

    So many stealth games lately! Added this to the wish list, so I'll pick it up on a sale :)
  3. rofltehcat

    Witcher 3 PC 28% Off + Free Neverwinter Nights

    So is DLGamer trustworthy?
  4. rofltehcat

    Artist Mixes Comic Book, Movie and Cartoon Icons In Brilliant Mash-Ups

    Would totally watch Harley & Stitch.
  5. rofltehcat

    What The Heck is a Fractal and How Does It Apply to Games?

    Spore had a lot of procedural generation... it felt very samey after a while though :(
  6. rofltehcat

    What to Splash in Splinter Twin

    That sounds like a pain in the arse. I only play limited nowadays, constructed sounds like far too much of a hassle. Back in the day a possible answer would probably have been Engineered Plague, Batwing Brume or Simoon. No idea if anything like that would be legal in the current pool.
  7. rofltehcat

    So Who Is DRM For Anyway?

    My theory: Tradition and bureaucracy (or possible mishap). They probably have some design document/guideline that says limited installations are part of their standard DRM package/requirements. Another alternative would be that the devs were sent an old EA guideline by accident. Either way...
  8. rofltehcat

    Lionhead Tweets Old Fable 2 Artwork for National Cleavage Day, People Get Mad

    Some people just go through life looking for stuff to be offended by, aren't they?
  9. rofltehcat

    8 Supporting Characters that Deserve Their Own Game

    Garrus? There could be a "Citadel Noire" game (like LA Noire) in which you solve crimes for C-Sec.
  10. rofltehcat

    SimCity vs. Cities: Skylines - Who Wins?

    Time consumed: 43 hours up to now in Cities Skylines. 0 in SimCity. Considering I really don't have all that much time currently I guess this counts as a "win" for SimCity.
  11. rofltehcat

    8 Fictional Characters We Want to Play In a Videogame

    Harry Dresden? Yes please!
  12. rofltehcat

    The Big Picture: Je Suis Charlie

    I really dislike groups like PEGIDA that are demonstrating against Muslims and Muslim influence. But as long as they stay within the confines of the law I have to accept their demonstrations. I can still go to counter-demonstrations (usually much larger than the demonstrations against Muslims)...
  13. rofltehcat

    The Big Picture: Je Suis Charlie

    Charlie Hebdo had a circulation of ~45k. That is tiny compared to many other publications. Anyone really thinking that a publication of that size can spread massive anti-immigrant sentiments is not really considering the publication's context: Charlie Hebdo is situated very far on the left side...
  14. rofltehcat

    How Lizard Squad Stole Christmas

    I keep wondering: People always talk about computers when discussing botnets but what about smartphones? Looking at what stuff my parents' foster child downloads onto his phone I'd expect there to be millions of smartphones waiting for orders. The downloading behaviour of some friends of mine...
  15. rofltehcat

    The 200th Column - You Asked For This

    They could make the hardware detection based on the Steam client detecting the hardware of all users who don't opt out of the system. So for example you go to a game's page and click the "Hardware comparison" button. You then get a small window that tells you "people who have played this game...