Recent content by Rolling 20

  1. Rolling 20

    Pokemon: Should we be able to "Catch 'em All"?

    Re-boot the whole series to have only the original 151.... Let everyone catch them all... Simple as that. Pokemon has gotten ridiculous recently with the mind-numbingly ridiculous amount of pokemon available.... There should be 151, everything else I consider non-canon. *Raises blast shield...
  2. Rolling 20

    You have the power to bring back one cancelled TV show...

    Firefly Clone High Those are my big two
  3. Rolling 20

    What's the greatest weakness of your Skyrim character?

    Pretty much what this guy said for me. Having groups of people on me makes a mess of me. But those two-handed guys cut through my flimsy leather armour like pieces of wet-cake and my arrows are about as effective as flicking bits of paper at them. Incidentally i'm a stealth bow-user. Great...
  4. Rolling 20

    Annoying Video Game Quotes Forever Etched into your Memory

    "Remember the Sunwell"
  5. Rolling 20

    Poll: Smith or Tennant? (Or Eccleston)

    They are all good Doctor's, although my personal preference is Tennant. The personalities they have aren't just a random mish-mash, they have those personalities for a reason. Eccleston was post-Time war and had a dramatic change to the leather jacket wearing Doctor as a result of what he...
  6. Rolling 20

    What accent can you do best?

    I can do a variety of accents, pretty good at all of them. Best at Irish and English though. I can do a French accent quite well but only because I can speak French also, so it doesn't really count.
  7. Rolling 20

    Peter Jackson Writes Legolas Into The Hobbit

    It's all really not as bad as some are making it out to be. I think it'll be fine and Bilbo DOES go to Mirkwood. Seeing a difference between the LOTR Nerds here. Some are saying "It's in Mirkwood, so it's feasible as long as he doesn't go over board with it" and you get some who are...
  8. Rolling 20

    What are you reading?

    Robin Hobb Farseer Triology. The author is truly not afraid to s%£t all over the main character, which is an interesting approach of a fantasy series.
  9. Rolling 20

    What's your favorite fantasy series/book?

    Wheel of Time and then Discworld series. WoT is epic in every sense and the Discworld is so clever I cry I laugh so hard.
  10. Rolling 20

    Poll: Should I buy a gaming desktop or laptop?

    Building your own desktop
  11. Rolling 20

    The whole internet needs to be aware of this (beautiful) awesome!
  12. Rolling 20

    You can be ________ for an entire day.

    Haha! Love it. While you're at it, start the whole x-men "mutant gene" evolution thing. Make stuff interesting.
  13. Rolling 20

    You can be ________ for an entire day.

    I would probably be Superman for a day. Even though he's not a super hero I like, he can do ANYTHING, including flying around and shooting stuff with laser eyes. Awesome.
  14. Rolling 20

    The Sword of Truth Series

    I read through the first book in the series and was surprised at the fact that they chose to have a sense of finality in that one book rather than stretch that story acorss the whole series.... I rate it as a great fantasy series from what i've read so far, but as Zen said, it is a little flawed...
  15. Rolling 20

    Rush Limbaugh Defends Video Game Free Speech

    There was a new episode of Family Guy about Rush Limbaugh... I was surprised to find that Rush Limbaugh's name was in the credits.... I think he may have ACTUALLY voiced himself in the show.... If that's true then he must have had a SERIOUS PR makeover...