Recent content by Rpgamer

  1. R

    Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

    That's it! Thanks!
  2. R

    Please Recommend Dialogue Heavy CRPG with Face Frontal Conversations and with Decent Graphics.

    Also, Fantasy genre, not sci-fi like Mass Effect. Not old top-down CRPGs like Planescape Torment, Arcanum, or Diablo. Games like DA: Origins and Witcher 2. (Looking into Divinity II, Divinity: Dragon Commander and Risen 2) Thanks.
  3. R

    Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

    Anyone remember this PS1 game where you build a lego-like army and fight against other lego-like armies? I remember 2 blocks horizontally meant buiding a soldier, and then 4 blocks meant a tank, and maybe 2 blocks vertically meant a gun.
  4. R

    257: How Walt Disney Created Manga

    Utter Bullcrap. I'll give you "Influence", like a very minor influence. But influence is way different from "creating."
  5. R

    Conversational RPG's Recommendations.

    I didn't mean the complete absence of action. Also, I think rationally choosing a dialogue option is a part of "gameplay." It's like a puzzle wherein there is always the most optimal "choice of words." And like I said, visual novels or simulators have no sense of urgency and most importantly...
  6. R

    Conversational RPG's Recommendations.

    So, you want to synthesize the role you're playing and your own decisions (yourself)? I think the opposite of a "blank slate" character is a character that you simply view without being able to influence him or her---like in a movie. With this in mind, you prefer the middle? To be a character...
  7. R

    Conversational RPG's Recommendations.

    interesting show, it sounds like it touches the political. how much decision making is there amongst visual novels? From my experience of this genre, you can simply pick any response and manage to finish them half-assedly. You could have one or two responses but isn't the very definition of...
  8. R

    Conversational RPG's Recommendations.

    I'm thinking Dragon Age: Origins without most of the fighting involved; a game where dialogue is its main "mechanics." Conversations and RPG's are usually related because many RPG's have dialogue and the ability to choose an option within said game dialogue, but what about an RPG that heavily...
  9. R

    Conversational RPG's Recommendations.

    I'm thinking Dragon Age: Origins without most of the fighting involved; a game where dialogue is its main "mechanics." Conversations and RPG's are usually related because many RPG's have dialogue and the ability to choose an option within said game dialogue, but what about an RPG that heavily...
  10. R

    lets talk about dragons

    Chinese, Green, Wind-Elemental, Infinite, Serpent Dragon with Inifinite Leg and in spiritual form drifting amidst the clouds. It is peaceful and represents life. I like Kirins(Chinese: Qilin) better though. Specially Magic: The Gathering's Green Kirin.
  11. R

    Zero Punctuation: Monster Hunter Tri

    This. Basically, don't be a stupid horse following a stupid carrot. ...I hate democracy.
  12. R

    Poll: What is the PS3s #1 game?

    This question, which I do not like, reminded me of something else, which I do not like. The PS3 is full of action and shooters. Where's the strategy/rpg love? :( Truthfully, PS3 is best 'represented' by an action or a shooter so I can't answer with Demon's Soul(which is a hybrid action rpg?)...