Recent content by Ryunami

  1. Ryunami

    Hi-Rez F2P Shooter Paladins Takes Steam by Storm

    Honestly though, there is only so much You can actually do in such a game. Same with mobas. At some point, You run into the same skills and skillsets because they are the only ones that make sense. Of course the flying character will have a rocket launcher. You are looking downwards at the...
  2. Ryunami

    Call of Cthulhu Concept Art Teases New Frogwares Horror Title

    That's what You get for not paying enough attention when correcting others, i guess. Of course You're right, i meant to write "pen and paper". Thanks for correcting my correction. =)
  3. Ryunami

    Call of Cthulhu Concept Art Teases New Frogwares Horror Title

    I think that's supposed to be "pen and aper", not pen and pencil.