Recent content by Scabadus

  1. Scabadus

    Looking for Feedback on a Plot

    I know the title says you're looking for plot feedback, bt I'll start wth feedback on the world and you can pick the bits you care about. The ship: in most Sci-Fi settings Battleships are fairly large; there may be a few larger things (Titans, Dreadnaughts, Carriers, Super Star Destroyers...
  2. Scabadus

    3 days in Diablo Europe

    I have a theory abot Diablo 3: people arn't actually angry that the servers are down (bear with me here), what people are angry about is that they paid £40 for a game, and while the servers are down they can't play it, but Blizzard still has the £40. So on the off-chance there are any...
  3. Scabadus

    Poll: Big Issues with Abstinence-Only Sex Ed

    WHAT?! Allow me a moment of perfect clarity: That. Is. Fucking. Disgraceful. I was going to make a comment about my sex ed being existent but hardly comprehensive, but after that quote this doesn't seem the place for jokes. I once heard it said that when all the adults in this world...
  4. Scabadus

    Cheating AI

    Star Wars: Podracer on the N64 (we never were a Mario Kart house) had one track where one of the all-time worst pods suddenly took off like a bat out of hell and could literally run laps around the others. It was part of the favorites system, where each track had one racer who was the favorite...
  5. Scabadus

    Worst Game You've Ever Played?

    I'm having a hard time thinking of something worse that Far Cry 2. Terrible story, repetitive missions, woefull ammo capacity (and general weapon system), the entire thing was littered with invisible walls in the supposed sandbox and even the good points like the healing animations and fire...
  6. Scabadus

    Favourite activity in Eve Online?

    I always liked running the combat missions. If you're good there isn't much risk on the higher levels but there's always the knowledge that if you mess up your massive battleship gets overrun by 50 frigates and swarmed while 2 of them jam you, darting about under your weapons' primary fire arc...
  7. Scabadus

    A Simpsons Situation Has Become Reality.

    Huh, it seems I'm in the minority for agreeing with this guy. If the resteraunt sets up an all you can eat buffet, there is going to be the occasonal person who takes all they can eat. Deal with it. Maybe it would be different if he was throwing up in the bathroom to *ahem* make room for...
  8. Scabadus

    Poll: Your thoughts about the ME 3 ending extension.

    While I'm certainly looking foreward to the DLC, it's less like looking forward to epic storytelling and more like looking forward to a fireworks display put on by Tenpenny and the Toxin General from C&C Zero Hour. As long as you have the forsight to put on a gas mask and stand weeeell back (in...
  9. Scabadus

    Square Enix Sued Over Kane and Lynch 2

    So what happens if he doesn't win? China bans the game instead? Because that makes them look so good. OK in fairness, as far as I can tell this is just some guy and not actually representing the Chinese govornment, but unless the game is in as poor a taste as that joke, what's there to be...
  10. Scabadus

    Poll: Which do you prefer: an ambitious failure, or a safe success?

    Up to a point, ambtious failures are the way to go. They try some new things, some work, some don't, the working ones get expanded upon. A game built ONLY only ambition, with no standard parts, is likely to be an unplayable mess and no matter how safe and unfiorm a game is, it's still more fun...
  11. Scabadus

    Mass Effect 3 is now under $30 is it really that bad of a game?

    Seems fair that Mass Effect 3 is dropping in price. For a game that prides itself on its amazing story to have a bad ending, it's not worth full price. On the other hand the mechanics are fun and much of the story during the game is fantastic, so paying a lower price to experiance them is fair...
  12. Scabadus

    Actions in Games That Made You Physically Uncomfortable.

    No spoilers here but a lot of ingame lore from Skyrim. If you want to figure out the entire backstory and political situation yourself, you might want to skip this post. Trying to choose a side in Skyrim's civil war is hard, bth sides are just such assholes. The Imperials want to stop freedom...
  13. Scabadus

    Does a long list of DLC turn you off from the game?

    A long list usually does, because it's usually a company being greedy. That's not always the case, for exampe Killing Floor has loads of skins released as DLC but they cost under £2 each - most of them under £1 - but as a general rule a long list just means lots of things the publisher withheld...
  14. Scabadus


    Most recent (and most annoying) for me was Mass Effect 3, though not the ending. It's regarding Tali and is safe to read if you've completed the Quarrien/Geth part of the main plot.
  15. Scabadus

    What conspiracy theories do YOU believe?

    I'm not sure... this is true for the classics such as Area 51 with it's hundreds of scientists or the Illuminati with figures in every country, but think about the biggest conspiracy in the post-internet era: 9/11. How many people would actually have had to be conspiring for this? I'm not saying...