Recent content by Seekster

  1. Seekster

    Poll: Is it rape if you have consensual sex with a willfully intoxicated person?

    I suppose if they are both drunk then neither has full control of their mental facilities so you can't really accuse them of willfully having sex with someone against their will. There is no such thing as "accidental rape" in the legal code. I suppose there may be some crime there but I find it...
  2. Seekster

    Poll: Is it rape if you have consensual sex with a willfully intoxicated person?

    Of course its rape. A person willfully getting drunk or unwillfully getting drunk isnt able to give willful consent to anything if they are drunk. Now if you agree to have sex and THEN get drunk well then thats prior consent so you are fine.
  3. Seekster

    Gay Marriage: Is It Perhaps Moral to Oppose It Independent of Religion?

    Oy why isnt this in the Religion & Politics forum? Send it down to us!
  4. Seekster

    Escapians who watch Fox News...why?

    I could not have said it better myself. Quoted for truth.
  5. Seekster

    Escapians who watch Fox News...why?

    Brett Baier and Shephard Smith are arguably the best shows in their respective time slots. Also Chris Wallace is good and every now and then Fox and Friends will do something entertaining thats not especially politics related. Also, and I will stand by this one, Fox News actually gives you a...
  6. Seekster

    Sims 3 Broken...or am I overreacting?

    I know what you mean man but even I have to admit that Paradox games tend to be buggier. I remember when Hearts of Iron 3 was released...they had to redefine the phrase "memory leak" to accurately describe how buggy that game was at first and I hear it is still bugged as heck now years after its...
  7. Seekster

    Sims 3 Broken...or am I overreacting?

    I dont remember that, World Adventures worked fine for me after it was released (then again I cant remember if I got it immediately or held off so if I held off for a bit first that might be why). I do remember that Ambitions was extremely broken when it first came out. If anyone hears of or...
  8. Seekster

    Sims 3 Broken...or am I overreacting?

    Both my bugs which I listed are related to WA content but I know that before the latest patch I could access the content and EA doesnt have a system I am aware of to let you go back to the last working patch.
  9. Seekster

    Sims 3 Broken...or am I overreacting?

    Yes Fallout can be buggy but not nearly on the same gamebreaking level as Sims 3 is. Heck the stuff that is breaking are things that could have worked fine in Sims 2 (getting to another area and taking photos) so what is EA's excuse? Lets put it this way, I will probably still play the Pets...
  10. Seekster

    Sims 3 Broken...or am I overreacting?

    Ok this is sort of my way of venting but also asking for help so if you dont want to read about my sorrow (T_T) just skip to the end and I wont hold it against you. I am a long-time fan of the Sims. I was a late comer to the first Sims game but I played Sims 2 from the beginning and derived...
  11. Seekster

    So it's Independence Day

    Yeah George III was a lot less reasonable about it than Good Ole Queen Vickie.
  12. Seekster

    So it's Independence Day

    Yeah thats basically what I just said. I thinks safe to say that Britian would have prefered simply putting down the rebellion and going back to making a profit off American trade. Seriously it was very lucrative. I know what lamb is I just have never heard of vindaloo.
  13. Seekster

    So it's Independence Day

    Yes like I said, it would be odd if people in other nations are celebrating Independence Day, its not your holiday. Americans don't celebrate Canada Day...though it does apparently occur a bit before Independence Day. Sounds fun, just one question, what is lamb vindaloo?
  14. Seekster

    So it's Independence Day

    Just remember proper firework safety. Also don't put a black cat in an ant hill, oddly enough some of the buggers tend to survive and go flying towards you. Also make sure its legal to shoot off fireworks where you are. Private use of fireworks is against the law in most heavily populated...
  15. Seekster

    So it's Independence Day

    Hookers? Wasnt the joke during the buildup for D-day that the problem with the Americans was that they were overpaid, oversexed and over here? By the way if I recall the response from the Americans was that the British were underpaid, undersexed, and under Eisenhower (Ike didnt like this...