Recent content by Setsuri21

  1. S

    Did games ever made you feel...emotions ?

    I'm probably going to sound silly for this one, but Kingdom Hearts always used to get me. Now, playing it again on my old Ps2, nostalgia threatens to drown me.
  2. S

    If you had to invade Hell which fictional army would you use?

    Immortal doesn't mean invincible. But yeah, I pretty much brought them up just because the continuous accounts of 5 Gundams that can apparently beat armies millions of times larger than they, or, my personal favorite, identical copies of themselves plus every other gundam ever created, just...
  3. S

    If you had to invade Hell which fictional army would you use?

    The Ascendancy could wish their time line out of existence before it ever started. It wouldn't matter if those gundams could move at FTL speeds at were completely and totally invincible. They can't prevent Gods from wishing them out of existence.
  4. S

    If you had to invade Hell which fictional army would you use?

    The Ascendancy, from the setting I'm writing. They orchestrated a war amongst their race of godlike immortals, whose empire stretched across the better part of the universe, so they could destroy them all and take over, and they succeeded. Why invade hell when you can join the organizational...
  5. S

    Friends Zone (AKA why aren't we doing this?)

    1 day? Damn. If that is an average amongst people then I suppose I'm in a bad way. I'm introverted, and shy to boot. When I meet someone for the first time, you'd be lucky to get much more than a quiet "hi" out of me, and thats if I was introduced by a mutual friend. Although, I can honestly say...
  6. S

    BioWare: Mass Effect 3 Is the Best Game We've Ever Made

    Dude. If you hate every Bioware game since DA:O with such a passion, stop buying their games. The Bioware of today is certainly not the Bioware of years past, and if you don't like it, go find another RPG developer to enjoy. Well, enjoy inasmuch a hard-core RPG fan can. I swear on my life that...
  7. S

    Looking for "evolution" game recomendations.

    Edit- Double Post
  8. S

    Looking for "evolution" game recomendations.

    I was looking more for biological evolution. I've long thought that a complex and deep evolution themed title could make for a fantastic game, but have never found one.
  9. S

    Looking for "evolution" game recomendations.

    I've been thinking about Spore a lot recently. It always bothered me how the game was broken up into stages, and how it felt so childish. So, fellow escapists, I have come seeking your assistance: Are there other "evolution" games out there and, if so, what are they like?
  10. S

    ME2 SPOILERS: Which squad member...

    None. I flat out refused to lose anyone. I wouldn't have been able to stand it.
  11. S

    Strange things you can do (no one believes)

    I can do that with both hands. I suspect it may have something to do with being Ambidextrous.
  12. S

    Blast Stuff to Make Music in Indie Shooter Planck

    This looks amazing. Makes me want to dust off the old time machine so I can get it now instead of waiting. But, patience is a virtue, I suppose...
  13. S

    Should organ donation be manditory?

    You don't want to donate your organs because you've judged that some people are worth less than you and don't deserve them? That's harsh, dude. OT, Yeah, I think an opt-out would be better. I think a lot of people would be willing to give when giving was the standard. A life is precious, and...
  14. S

    What lucky video game adaptation would you like Uwe Boll to direct next?

    Superman 64. They can both go be shit together.
  15. S

    All right, Dr. Who fans...

    No, no! I was simply trying to find people who didn't like him! While he's not my favorite, I thought he was perfectly fine as the doctor.