Recent content by ShadowLord180

  1. S

    Microsoft: People More Satisfied With Xbox 360 Than PS3

    Man, this guy is so full of shit. I started out on 360, I had an elite and quite a few games for it, but then it red ringed. Sent it in to be fixed, red ringed again, so I bought a 360 from one of my friends who had two, red ringed. At that point I got fed up, sold all of my 360 games, and...
  2. S

    Microsoft: People More Satisfied With Xbox 360 Than PS3

    Man, this guy is so full of shit. I started out on 360, I had an elite and quite a few games for it, but then it red ringed. Sent it in to be fixed, red ringed again, so I bought a 360 from one of my friends who had two, red ringed. At that point I got fed up, sold all of my 360 games, and...
  3. S

    Sony Asks Users To Reset Passwords After 'Irregular Activity' Detected

    It could also just be that the issue has been more prevalent lately, prompting the article, because I know it only happened to me about 2 days ago. Either way, I assume it's still going on, so the issue is still at least somewhat newsworthy.
  4. S

    "Amazing" Should be Banished From the English Language

    I'm in, when are we doing this shit? ;) Also, baby bump is only overused because everyone and their dog's brother is getting pregnant these days -.- And yes, you did read that correctly, its so bad that even MALE DOGS are getting pregnant. Obviously I'm employing hyperbole here, but sadly...
  5. S

    Cliches in books/movies/videogames that you're tired of

    I agree that relationships are important for making a character seem realistic, but their story doesn't need to be about relationships to have that effect. Look at Rorschach or the Comedian from Watchmen, I personally identify more with them than any of the other characters in Watchmen and even...
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    The last movie you saw combines with the last game you played and the last book you read.

    Oh. My. God. YES. I think my soul just shit itself in excitement.
  7. S

    The last movie you saw combines with the last game you played and the last book you read.

    Lets see here... Fright Night, Skate 3, and Skybreaker (its somewhat steampunkish since you probably haven't heard of it) Sooo.... Skateboarding steampunk vampires? Sounds pretty cool to me.
  8. S

    Do american's dislike canadians?

    I don't hate Canadians, I only hate Justin Bieber. And according to one of my Canadian friends, you folks feel the same way about him. Honestly though, I love syrup, and hockey is the only team sport that I enjoy watching :)
  9. S

    Weirdest/Most Horrible Ways You've Been Woken Up.

    When I was about 7 I rolled out of my bed in my sleep and hit my face on the nightstand. It was a homemade nightstand with rough and sharp edges. That was the only time in my life that I've had a bloody nose, and to this day I still keep my nightstand at least 2 feet from my bed.
  10. S

    Your last words?

    I would be surrounded by all of my close friends and family and I would calmly say... "I hate every last one of you." They would all feel terrible, and it would be very lolzy.
  11. S

    You now have a Army of the last thing you killed in a videogame.

    I killed some camping douche on CoD.. My army will be unstoppable!!! ...because the damn thing is already stopped and has no intention of moving. -.-
  12. S

    Ignorance on Facebook (censored for the well-being of this thread)

    Well I'm ready to die now, I have absolutely NO faith in humanity anymore. 2012, hurry the fuck up and get me out of this place.
  13. S

    Rebecca Black's new single.

    At least Friday was bad enough to make me laugh and it wasn't pretending to be a decent song. Her new single was so bad that I could only listen to about 10 seconds of it before I felt a strong urge to vomit. And no, I'm not exaggerating.
  14. S

    have you ever been "That Guy"

    I was 'that guy' once on MW2. 27 killstreak in a free-for-all match. I won the match when the person in 2nd had 13 kills. I didn't have the nuke equipped >.<
  15. S

    New DmC Trailer from E3

    Honestly I don't understand all of the hate for this game, particularly after reading the comments for this on youtube. People complaining about the choice of music in the trailer being techno? really!? 1. The music wasn't even techno, it was barely even synth sounding. 2. ITS THE FUCKING...