Recent content by Shoki Donai

  1. Shoki Donai

    Anime Review: Air

    Very good series. Short sweet and to the point.
  2. Shoki Donai

    Best "Tales of" game

    Dawn of a New World is...interesting. I started off hating both for the main characters. As it went on though they actually developed into characters I could like and sympathize with. Go for it if you like Symphonia, but be ready for the first sequences that will have you wanting to kill the...
  3. Shoki Donai

    What's your verbal crutch?

    I use shiny and snazzy if I need to talk about something I think is good/cool.
  4. Shoki Donai

    Your very first console

    Sega Genesis and Ecco the Dolphin. Insanely awesome, though I had to play the game many years later in order to beat it.