Recent content by Sid7Zero

  1. Sid7Zero

    No Authenticator, No Diablo III Cash Auction House

    I'm an old Blizz fan who gobbled up their content through the WoW years prior to Lich King. My best suggestion is if you have a gripe with D3 then don't play it. I was one of the fortunate few who managed to get a closed beta invite for D3 and discovered my discontent with the entire game then...
  2. Sid7Zero

    Escape to the Movies: Prometheus

    I liked it. I'm willing to believe that a lot of the dangling plot devices will make more sense in the director's cut, as is Ridley Scott's modus operandi.
  3. Sid7Zero

    DDoS Attack Scuttles The Pirate Bay

    Seems more like lulzsec's speed, if you ask me. Anon tends to go after corporate and government sites. No real complaints here - TPB has gone to shit in the last few months.
  4. Sid7Zero

    If you could go back and tell your teenage self one piece of advice...

    1. A decade of dedicated research as proven that you are not, in fact, invincible. Climb off the ramp, take off the skates... that way you won't have the hips and spine of a 50 year old before you're thirty. 2. Don't worry, the "saving yourself" thing will pay off in another 5 years or so...
  5. Sid7Zero

    Why do people hate JRPGs?

    Found this thread at two in the morning after having too many beers to care about reading all three pages of posts... why do people hate JRPGs? Because they embody every ridiculous stereotype within a genre to a point beyond self parody. JRPGs are simply the Asian video game market catering to...
  6. Sid7Zero

    Most memorable opening line in a game

    "Just when you thought you had reached the deepest depths of horror, it suddenly got worse. How to turn off that small voice inside your head that started to whisper that you should be glad that now, if not before, your revenge was justifiable on any conceivable moral scale. That small voice...
  7. Sid7Zero

    Modern Warfare 3 Fan Fends Off Really Stupid Thief

    Either Morales has played too much or not enough. On one hand, double-racking suggests he has no idea how to use a firearm... on the other hand, FPSers reload redundantly in game. XD
  8. Sid7Zero

    Would Anyone Like To Explain What The Fuck This Is?!

    After crafting and deleting multiple intelligent responses to the myriad comments in this thread, I would like to point out that I'm not exactly comfortable with anyone talking about Jesus and his ween.
  9. Sid7Zero

    Goodbye is Still Goodbye

    Fair winds and following seas, Mr. Pitts.