Recent content by SiirusNagisa

  1. S

    Zero Punctuation: XBLA Double Bill

    Nice to see that BC was properly reamed... and I love how you take the opportunity to rip the atrocity that is Halo3 every chance you get... although I'm surprised castle crashers got such a short and painful review. No love for the collection aspect? 15 ingame pets with various abilities...
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    Zero Punctuation: Spore

    Didn't spore release a while ago? Why wait so long for a review? ... meh, righto. So then we're getting our Castle Crashers review next week, yes? :P
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    Zero Punctuation: Super Smash Bros. Brawl

    despite how much i love SSBB, you've made a ton of points which were dead-on (particularly the one about being "that guy") - this is EASILY the best review you've done. bra-vo good sir. (also, if more reviews start with eye of the tiger, they will achieve the same level of praise imo)
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    Zero Punctuation: No More Heroes

    rented this one on recommendation and was quite pleased! ...and you know, for a while I was worried that a combination of your sudden popularity surge and the frequency of your updates may have begun to cause a slump in the quality of your reviews, but you have proven otherwise, Sir Yahtzee...
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    Zero Punctuation: Devil May Cry 4

    Excellent review - and the final bit about Audiosurf in the credits made me happy. I thought I was the only person in the world who actually plays that game. :P Bravo