Recent content by silentsentinel

  1. silentsentinel

    Why Call of Duty may possibly be the best multiplayer shooter.

    By your standards, the game would be classified as "most accessible". Which, I think, is different than best. I'd argue that Team Fortress is more accessible anyway.
  2. silentsentinel

    What do you collect?

    Shattered dreams and the tears of puppies.
  3. silentsentinel

    Poll: Should our species be exempt from culling?

    We already cull ourselves. It's called war.
  4. silentsentinel

    Game Retailers Receive Highest Grade in FTC's Shopper Survey

    And yet, the media will ignore this and continue attacks on gaming. It will be as such until a new type of entertainment tech comes along.
  5. silentsentinel

    Take Our Phobias Quiz

    9/10. I'm fine with that.
  6. silentsentinel

    Poll: College Humour Offensive video.

    You need to grow a spine, mate. Neither of these are offensive to any sane person.
  7. silentsentinel

    The problem with Dead Space

    In any modern first person shooter, how does a single soldier mow down hundreds of enemies and shrug off bullets? In any fantasy game, how does one spontaneously learn a complicated skill in a matter of seconds? By your logic, every video game in the world is stupid. They are not. Now...
  8. silentsentinel

    The Class You Just Played is Now Yours

    The last game I played was The Witcher. So... I get to be an alchemist/warrior/wizard combo. Works for me.
  9. silentsentinel

    Question of the Day, January 17, 2011

    My mother's a doctor. She's seen worse.
  10. silentsentinel

    What are the worst misconceptions you know of?

    We don't use it all at the same time, but I assure you that if you go through all the actions of a normal day you will have used all the parts of your brain by the end of that day.
  11. silentsentinel

    What are the worst misconceptions you know of?

    We only use ten percent of our brains, and if we unlock the other 90% we can become super-smart gods. I want to go up to people who believe that and kick them in the face. With a boot.
  12. silentsentinel

    Crytek Shows Its Warface

    "Do you think I'm cute, Private Pyle? Do you think I'm funny?"
  13. silentsentinel

    Congratulations! You've been hired by the villians from the last game you've played!

    So... I'm a Torchlight Villain now? Damn, my lifespan will be short.
  14. silentsentinel

    The Walking Dead Rises for a Second Season

    Wait, already? I don't know much about television politics, so do new shows usually get greenlighted for new seasons this quickly?
  15. silentsentinel

    Go to College, Fight Zombies With Nerf Weapons

    FSU's been doing this forever.