Recent content by Sillyiggy

  1. S

    EA's Betting That Bashing WoW Will Sell More Old Republic

    Different than WoW? Like, good? Oh wait, it's Bioware. So, no.
  2. S

    UK Atheists Hope to Eliminate Jedi Population

    You are talking about RELIGION you realize? Since when did sense ever enter the equation?
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    296: House of Horrors

    I was always curious about this game. I heard lots of excitement about it (given its scale and steps towards realistic adventurey gamieness) but then it came out and I never heard more about it. It wasn't even at the game store. Back in those days the interwebs couldn't shed light on why so I...
  4. S

    Is Microsoft Nervous About Spielberg and Halo?

    I am in the same boat. I just don't get the hype. It has been an average series to me, and I will admit I stopped even trying them after 2 but I am sick of Halo and Halo wanna-be's dominating the console scene (at the expense of better gaming). Make the movie; make the horrible movie; today...
  5. S

    Jack Thompson Claims Victory in MOH Taliban Removal

    I think a gamer beat him in grade school, took his lunch money, and ran off with his mother. I hope it was me.
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    Muslim Should Not Equal Villain

    Sarcasm is lost on this one. Obviously they are not fun hence why it would be comical to refer to them as funny. I can see yours is ruining your life and I admit there is nothing funny about it at all. No one with a persecution complex would ever refer to it as fun for them.
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    172: Heathens by Design

    It can be easy to see why someone would make that mistake. 'Our' God doesn't ever take the direct approach either. God: I dislike how this guy is treating my followers... Hmmm, I think I will murder all the first born children in his country.
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    Muslim Should Not Equal Villain

    Persecution complexes are fun.
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    Confessions of a console gamer...

    I think its all about bang for your buck. I have to be mindful of such things since I did stay in school and well, these days most get paid below their worth while those who do much much much better off get paid 200x what they are worth. Since I want the most bang for my buck consoles are a...
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    Sony and Activision Get (Patent) Trolled

    Or companies will pay Uniloc from now on for the rights to make DRM or DRM-like technology. I find it improbable that these companies will drop it altogether, if pissing off their customers wasn't incentive enough...
  11. S

    University Videogame Will Teach Girls to Say "No" to Sex

    Has the government ever come across as anything but super-lame every time it tries to influence teenage behavior?
  12. S

    Review: StarCraft II

    It may be a long time coming. Blizzard's publishing system and popularity engine are likely to keep the same 50 "kill the other player" arena marches up for years. Unless you plan on 'parties' with friends to play custom maps you aren't going to be enjoying any creative content for a while...
  13. S

    Blizzard Unleashes Final, Jaw-Dropping StarCraft II Launch Trailer

    Too bad BNet 2.0 sucks and it has no LAN support. Also, yeah, single player campaign/story is limited to Terran for at least a year. Enjoy paying more money to play the interesting races down the road (I mean story wise for the most part). On the plus side Zerg may actually feel done by the time...
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    Zero Punctuation: Super Mario Galaxy 2

    I was debating getting MG2, hearing it is more of the same pretty much means: NO. I couldn't finish MG1, it just, didn't do anything for me at all. Having smaller worlds in space didn't excite me much I suppose. I am close to finishing world 9 in Bleh Bleh Mario Wii so if I want to get my...
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    Zero Punctuation: Super Mario Galaxy 2

    To play devil's advocate I think it is more that The Simpsons style at the least was established by then and so any season thereafter was more of the same. It certainly fits in with the jibe of Yahtzee's review. The later seasons are probably better but anyone who started from season 1 to 5...