Recent content by Sir-Bearus

  1. Sir-Bearus

    The Big Picture: Off the Charts

    Recently I bought the orange box. I had never played any of it's games, and was trying to find something to keep my mind off SC2 when I saw the unassuming box just sitting there on the shelf. So I bought it thinking, hey I've heard good things about this games, they're supposed to be classics...
  2. Sir-Bearus

    Leaked Microsoft Video Reveals Horrible Future for PC Gaming

    I'm guessing this is microsoft's way of saying; "not only did pc gaming died; it went to hell!"
  3. Sir-Bearus

    Leaked Microsoft Video Reveals Horrible Future for PC Gaming

    The horror, the social horror.
  4. Sir-Bearus

    Take a Peek at New TV Wonder Woman's Boobalicious Duds

    People, MovieBob did a whole show of "the big picture" on Wonderwoman, so I would check it out before even commenting on the overly sexual subtext, and nationalistic theme of the costume. That being said, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! at he costume,I've seen better costumes at the Halloween store.
  5. Sir-Bearus

    Portal 2 Co-Op Bots Represent in Valve's TV Spot

    sigh* I need a better pc to run this game. Damn it why must technology eventually become obsolete!? I like this ad, I'm glad valve opted to go it alone instead of hiring some idiotic marketing campaign , spared us all a repeat to the abomination that was the...
  6. Sir-Bearus

    Escape to the Movies: Red Riding Hood

    Hee, hee, sorry, shoulda read this post. Additionally I may give this one a chance since, it seems interesting.
  7. Sir-Bearus

    Escape to the Movies: Red Riding Hood

    OK Bob, I have all admiration and respect for your work (+ you love Zelda, and liking the TLOZ makes you cool in my book, I know, not very popular book) But quit stalling! gives us what we want! either battle:LA or the adjustment bureau. thank you, have nice day.
  8. Sir-Bearus

    Escape to the Movies: The Eagle

    I wouldn't dismiss something just because is more of the same, as long as more of the same means, fun, entertaining, interesting, and captivating. However if it is none of those things and it's just more of the same crap, yeah, than I would just fall asleep.
  9. Sir-Bearus

    Zero Punctuation: Dead Space 2

    Booo Hooo, this game isn't silent hill , and doesn't bore me to tears, booo hooo, it's not what I wanted it to be, even though it's so much fun, boo hooo, it's EA, therefore mainstream and thus must not like it.
  10. Sir-Bearus

    MadWorld's Jack Fires Up His Chainsaw for Max Anarchy

    So it's like a Madworld MMO? sigh* I think I need new pants... Man that sounds like the best idea ever, something to do in an MMO, unlike WoW which has you fetch questing for hours and hours on end (ok to be fair that was my experience from the demo of cataclysm)
  11. Sir-Bearus

    Escapist News Network: Inside the Newsroom

    Loved the change of pace, but not sure if I would like this as a permanent thing, since part of the appeal of the old format is its resemblance a to a real news, and the formal sense of professionalism that entails, juxtaposed to the levity even absurdity of the subject matter. I think this...
  12. Sir-Bearus

    Unskippable: Enslaved

    let me redact a little there, I just check out the review of the game, and the game looks gorgeous! finally a post apocalyptic world that isn't just brown and gray, but is full of vibrant colors and a pleasure to gaze at. the look of the characters, though not realistic, is pretty and...
  13. Sir-Bearus

    Unskippable: Enslaved

    Hmm, this the 1st time I'm going to disagree with these guys at unskipable but , that wasn't an altogether bad cut-scene. I mean yeah the character design is horrible, the escape was laughable. but it did have some redeeming qualities. the voice acting looks great, the characters have ample...
  14. Sir-Bearus

    Daily Drop: Champagne

    I'm really disappointed, I expected more from them
  15. Sir-Bearus

    LoadingReadyRun: Getting In Touch

    aww, cute, but I was hoping he would get beat up by Deborah's quarterback BF, and than hearing selfdoubt's voice a;; smug saying: "I told you so"