Recent content by SkulduggeryPelican

  1. S

    Jimquisition: So, That Facebook And Oculus Rift Thing...

    Unless facebook decides for example to tie the Rift SDK to a license enforcing all content made for the Rift to be accessed through a facebook VR portal. There is nothing saying that will happen, but it is one of many things that are very much within their capability if they think that gives...
  2. S

    The Big Picture: Blecch, Dull Tests

    Badly translated swedish news article about the Bechdel rated movie theatres:
  3. S

    Jimquisition: Neutered

    Every call for more variety, ever: A: New X has Y in it. B: More X with Z should be created. C: WRY YOU WANT TO TAKEAWAY MY Y??!! B: *facepalm*