Recent content by Sky Captanio

  1. Sky Captanio

    Need advice about Dark Souls

    For the Wolf I'd say just get a good shield. I did that in pretty average armour with a pretty average weapon, but the Eagle shield with enough endurance can take most of his attacks.
  2. Sky Captanio

    Miracle of Sound: Hengsha (Deus Ex: Human Revolution)

    Eh, not really my thing. There's a nice Asian sound of it though, and I loved the callback to Black Gold.
  3. Sky Captanio

    Most Imbalanced Multiplayer You Have Played

    Modern Warfare 3. Whoever thought that "Free-kill" predator missiles was a good idea is an idiot. And also the I.M.S, which you place on the ground and it gets you four kills.
  4. Sky Captanio

    U.K. Politician Using Oslo Shooting to Change Ratings

    Modern Warfare is as close to actual war as say Minecraft is to working in construction. The guy is an idiot who doesn't know what he's talking about. I find it depressing that so many idiots are politicians.
  5. Sky Captanio

    UPDATED: Dead Space Producer Slams Gears of War Script

    Wow, and Dead Space is a shining example of brilliant writing? I'll admit Gears 1 was pretty bad but I liked Gears 2 and 3 was really good. Dead Space is essentially "Oh no alien zombies." and nothing else.
  6. Sky Captanio

    Assassin's Creed III Declares Independence from England

    I get the terrible feeling that Britain is going to want to ban this.
  7. Sky Captanio

    The Internet Blackout

    Why are so many of the sites that said they'd blackout still up.
  8. Sky Captanio

    Say something nice about the Star Wars Prequel. If you can.

    They were brilliant adventures perfect for kids and adults to enjoy and featured brilliant effects and were pretty much amazing movies. Why does everyone hate them so much? (apart from attack of the clones that kinda sucked.)
  9. Sky Captanio

    Australian Attorney General Calls For Violent Videogame Ban

    Honestly reading the list of stuff in R18+ games I can't blame them.I mean when did games start to decide that more "mature" themes made them better?
  10. Sky Captanio

    Eidos Cops to "Weak" Deus Ex Boss Fights

    While I've only done the first 2 I actually really enjoyed the boss fights. Maybe I'm just wierd...
  11. Sky Captanio

    Name my Drumkit!!

    Kitty Von Shcnaufferheusen. Don't know why but you should.
  12. Sky Captanio

    Have you ever gotten a game into an unwinnable/unfinishable state?

    In the original Deus Ex one of the characters is stuck behind a barrel so I can't talk to him. Sometimes it seems to think I've already had the dialogue but I can't leave the area.
  13. Sky Captanio

    Critical Miss: Deus Ex: Human Revolution

    Am I the only one who pronounces it Day-Uhs Ex?
  14. Sky Captanio

    why do people like bioware games so much?

    Does it really bother you so much that people like a game that you don't? I mean I enjoy it. Other people enjoy it. Why not let them?
  15. Sky Captanio

    why do people like bioware games so much?

    I really don't see how the stories are flawed or where the plot holes are. You're working with Cerberus because they're doing something about the abductions. You aren't working with the Alliance because they're not. Also the Normandy SR-2 isn't really better. It just has more already available...