Recent content by Slashe

  1. Slashe

    Suddenly, Skeletons

  2. Slashe

    Suddenly, Skeletons

    What discussion of skeletons would be complete without the educational and entirely accurate bone song?
  3. Slashe

    League of Legends "A New Dawn" Cinematic Features New And Old

    Ajani, Elspeth and a possibly a few new planeswalkers. But in all seriousness, it was still pretty fun
  4. Slashe

    Feed Dump: Death Metal isn't Cheesy, It Is Cheese!

    It is a sad day for Feed Dump when they run out of hats and start using wigs. I expect in a week they will start putting out the notices for "NO MORE HATS" because the fans flooded their office with hat donations after watching this episode.
  5. Slashe

    X-Men: Days of Future Past Trailer Crosses Generations

    SO THAT'S WHAT THAT MUSIC WAS. I thought they used the same composer/soundtrack for inception or something
  6. Slashe

    LoadingReadyRun: Relaxation Situation

    Why would you trust James? He's ALWAYS the cop.
  7. Slashe

    LoadingReadyRun: Papers, Please

    I'm so glad for this. You guys totally have to do a Unskippable on Papers Please as well
  8. Slashe

    Escapist Personalities Return for Expo 2013

    We need Dr. Mark to be back at the Expo. His talks were just fantastic.
  9. Slashe

    Suggest a Dramatic Anime!

    Watch Tonari no Kaibutsukunn (aka My Little Monster). Its both dramatic and romantic, but incredibly upbeat and optimistic. It manages to achieve deep emotional moments without delving into excessive melodrama, and do great comedy without being hammy or puny. The show just finished this...
  10. Slashe

    Best Ending Credits in gaming

    FF9 Because it wraps up every single little in the game, is very inspiring, full of great music and uses that same circumstances as the intro to show the contrast between how the world and the characters were before, and how they are after. And it is half an hour long from the moment you...
  11. Slashe

    Solving the Voice Acting Problem for Indie Game making

    That was what I was afraid of.... Voice acting that ruins experiences. I also thought of voice acting in like japanese, so that it wouldnt get that chalk on nails feeling of off-voicing but still sound convincing.
  12. Slashe

    Solving the Voice Acting Problem for Indie Game making

    Telepathy is brilliant, so.... a deaf telepath? That could make out a really interesting adventure game using creation kit. Like using it to solve crimes and stuff. but seriously, what is WITH the captcha? I don't understand anything. I'm refreshing like a madman to be able to get...
  13. Slashe

    Solving the Voice Acting Problem for Indie Game making

    I guess you guys are right, but I'm pretty sure most of you know lots of examples of bad voice acting as well (eg: resident evil, oblivion). I don't have a microphone or any form of facilities and would like the to change lines on the fly (which annoys actors). I'll still look into it, but I...
  14. Slashe

    Solving the Voice Acting Problem for Indie Game making

    I want to do a mod for Skyrim that would be like a D&D module - different plot, different world, different races, different systems. The problem now is I am only one man, and I don't know how make a substitute to having no voice acting. This can also be a discussion on how indie games fix the...
  15. Slashe

    Agg, Space Janitors Ad!

    Yes, please... I was already contending with the ads from every singe video I watch (which i kinda understand, gives them revenue...) But seriously, why auto run space janitors EVERY SINGLE PAGE.... It makes no sense and its annoying..... it even shows up on the forums!