Recent content by SlothDeVidya

  1. S

    Gamers Are More Social, Family Oriented, Compared to Non-Gamers

    Ugh. Can we please retire this term? It is quite literally meaningless. I mean, look at the definition used in this study. This means that practically ANYONE that simply owns a smartphone qualifies as a "gamer" as long as the spent 2 minutes flicking at Angry Birds while on the...
  2. S

    Watch_Dogs is quite simply AMAZING!!!

    I disagree. I think it's a very good game and I'm having a lot of fun with it, but it falls into the "Figure out what the developers intended instead of doing what makes sense" trap FAR too often. I swear I've lost count of the amount of puzzles that could be solved in 2 second by one of...
  3. S

    Jimquisition: The FarCry Racism Adventure

    Yeah, nooooo. When you make horrific accusations based on practically no information at all, that is not the fault of the person or company whom you are accusing, making these kinds of accusations on grounds THIS shaky is entirely the fault of those that make said accusations, seeing how they...
  4. S

    Elder Scrolls Online Console Version Delayed Six Months - Update

    Well that's neat. Now the console version will probably coincide with the inevitable Free-To-Play implementation.
  5. S

    Evolve Community Mgr Fired After Tweet on Donald Sterling - Update

    So like, are you just blind or what? Did you not read my entire post? I fucking said, MULTIPLE TIMES, that private entities are free to punish you for your speech. Which is why it is fine for the NBA to ban Donald Sterling. I made it ABUNDANTLY clear that my issue was with your...
  6. S

    Evolve Community Mgr Fired After Tweet on Donald Sterling - Update

    Ha, nice. You know, after all the articles about the big scary NSA that have been featured on this website, this seems a wee bit hypocritical to me. What the fuck does "supposed privacy" mean? Is it meant to say that privacy only applies when people are saying things you like? Do people...