Recent content by smeghead00

  1. S

    Can you beat him? Akinator Web game

    Beat him with Jake Humphrey from BBC sports presenting. He's not even obsure, he's on TV all the time at the moment. He kept getting so close, then asking if he's Syrian, or if he likes cheese. Pretty funny
  2. S

    Let's play the superpower lottery!

    Mongoose Physiology The user takes on or has the traits and abilities of mongoose including mongooses, kusimanse and meerkats. Applications: Burrowing Enhanced Agility Enhanced Dexterity Enhanced Immunity Enhanced Speed Predator Instinct By meerkat abilities, i'm gonna take that as...
  3. S

    The olympics. Yay.

    I don't mind the olympics, i watch it occasionally if i see it on. However, being British, it does seem to be the most commercial event ever. All adverts are like 'look, we found a random olymipian you've never heard of, now by or product or you're unpatriotic!' looking at you subway advert...
  4. S

    Cigarettes should be illegal.

    There's far too much tax on tobacco for it to be banned
  5. S

    Would you mind "booster packs" in your games? (Free on disc DLC)

    in some case, i want what is only on the disk. If not having online multiplayer on some games would mean a price drop for me, i'd be all for it. Games should be like easyjet, the base package it cheap, but to make it how you want it, you need to buy upgrades
  6. S

    Poll: Tired of killing?

    SWAT4 is an excellent example of choice between killing and a non-lethal approach. You either take the easy approach and just shoot them, or the far more satisfying approach and complete a level with all hostiles arrested, having tazered, bean bag shotguned and pepper sprayed them all. For a...
  7. S

    Have you ever played through a game and completely missed a game play feature?

    assassins creed 2. The ability to learn new moves, such as throw sand or sweep with long weapons. Couldn't work out how to get some of the achievement until i saw a friend playing, had thought the place where they could be bought was just a fighting tutorial area
  8. S


    being so low, i look everytime. even gonna look now
  9. S

    Poll: Which Pokemon Gen did you start off with?

    yellow ftw! kinda shows the age demographic of people on the site that most people started with the first gen, i.e. when it was a MASSIVE craze, when collecting the cards seemed more important than the game
  10. S

    Top 10 problems

    these problems are so vague. Somehow I don't think the first one is solvable, its human nature surely....
  11. S

    Behold! Chocolate-Proof Shoes

    so is swimming fully clothed then leaving the pool with dry clothes possible? How long does this effect last for?
  12. S

    Jimquisition: Hate Out Of Ten

    I completely agree with the problem. But surely of all the problems out there, an average score of 8/10 isn't bad. It should be taken as indicative of the market that there are so many 'very good' games out there. I guess this assumes a totally unbiased system.
  13. S

    911 = police?

    actually, in the UK 911 redirects to 999. So 999, 911 ans 112 all work here 999 calls the nearest available service 112 directs to the nearest service So you can ring 999 from London and get emergency services in Manchester if all others are busy
  14. S

    Free your Hate!

    people who class anime as a genre. To some people the story can be about anything, no matter how flawed and yet they love it because of the style. I know full well if it was a regular TV show or film, they would have ripped it apart ages ago