Recent content by SMOKEMNHALO2001

  1. S

    Farming Simulator 2013 Wins Gamescom

    Music video of the YEAR!! Maybe this game will be surprisingly good like Tropico. Since it's coming to consoles this time I might actually try it out, especially if there's a demo for it.
  2. S

    Mass Effect 3: Retake This

    I actually like the ending, I can see why people were left disappointed but the ending was not as bad as people made it out to be. I still feel that Bioware is just getting hella lazy now that they're EA's *****.
  3. S

    Trailers: SSX - Tricky Trailer

    This trailer is awesome, I hope they release a demo for the game soon. Also, I love the dub mix for the trailer it fits the game.
  4. S

    SSX Gets A Tricky Trailer

    I like the mix, I thought it gave out the games new edge especially compared to tricky's where it felt brighter. As for the game itself, yes, just yes. I will buy this next year.
  5. S

    Black Ops Designer Regrets "Second Chance" Perk

    I like the second chance perk, if there is anything they should apologize for it's their shitty maps. Treyarch sucks at making maps for multiplayer, I love the maps for CoD4, MW 2 and MW3, they just feel right.
  6. S

    E3 Appearance Seems Unlikely for The Last Guardian

    Well at least they're trying to make a working game unlike most developers and publishers who'd just release a game and then patch it up later. That said I don't get Team ICO honestly, ICO was just a dull game and I never played SotC although I still want to. People seem to love their games but...
  7. S

    Midway Felled by "Perfect Storm" of Problems, Says Former CEO

    Well Matt did save a lot of jobs so that goes to show at least he knew what he was doing. Poor Midway, wait didn't they have a deal with Vin's game studio Tiger or some crap?
  8. S

    Designer: Don't Worry About Used Sales, Just Make Good Games

    Yes, because making games are really easy. His comments are idiotic, especially for someone working in the damn industry. People will still buy games owned no matter what, sooner or later someone is going to sale that game no matter how good it is. Hell MGS4, Halo 3, God of War 3, Killzone 2...
  9. S

    El Shaddai Wows Japan With Religious Blue Jean Combat

    The graphics look cool but the main character looks like Kaim from Lost Odyssey.
  10. S

    Gamers Play Halo: Reach for Thousands of Years

    Hahaha Careful dude you're nearly feeding the troll. I know I've put in a fair share, on day one I put in 5 hours in one sitting alone. It's a great game, now how about spreading that love to our PC friends Microsoft?
  11. S

    Epic's iPhone Demo Racks up a Million Downloads

    Now lets see how long the full game will run before the iPhone craps itself and crashes the app. I downloaded the demo and even I was amazed.
  12. S

    Halo: Reach Makes $200 Million on First Day

    It's understandable, that's just how most gamers do things. I have the old white 360 than I bought the 120GB HDD and after that I bought the 360 S. Some gamers love new models.
  13. S

    Halo: Reach Makes $200 Million on First Day

    Not true dude, I saw people picking up the Halo Reach Edition Xbox 360s at the midnight release party, people are still buying 360s some just waited until the version they wanted came out.
  14. S

    Critical Miss: #31

    No it's a good game, I loved it, although I despise that shit ending.
  15. S

    Review: Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days

    I loved K&L2:DD I thought it was a great game with a very crappy ending.