Recent content by smurf_you

  1. smurf_you

    Poll: Your opinion on School Uniforms.

    I went to a school that required them, and I'm going to have to say a huge NO. I hated them, they were uncomfortable, impractical, and most of all retarded looking (no one looks good in hunter green... I don't care who you are) Also, seeing as the most common retort I got to this statement was...
  2. smurf_you

    Assumptions People Make About You... Which Drive You Crazy

    One thing that always gets me, (and that I just realized recently) is that people think I'm stupid. I'm not entirely sure why, except for the fact that I can act a bit air headed at times. The issue that I have is, after they make the assumption that I'm stupid, almost nothing I say has any...
  3. smurf_you

    7 year old commits suicide

    Um I dunno... as an example, I started cutting myself at around that age (from a multitude of reasons I won't go into here) and I can tell you no one every put the ideas in my head.... I just had the idea and started doing it
  4. smurf_you

    Weapons in the zombie apocalypse

    My Mac computer power cord...shitty
  5. smurf_you

    Favourite fictional quote

    Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc [We gladly feast on those who would subdue us] I love the Addams Family ^_^
  6. smurf_you

    Its'a me! (Photo thread)

    taken a few months ago :)
  7. smurf_you

    Should we tell the Muggles?

    I wouldn't do it personally, I mean (and my huge nerdism is going to be showing here, also potential spoilers for people who never read the 7th book) look what happened to Ariana, Dumbledore's little sister, when some muggle boys caught her levitating something in her own back yard, and then...
  8. smurf_you

    Poll: What would you do if you were a woman for a day?

    pretty much this to be honest lol ^_^
  9. smurf_you

    What is your favorite song about "Mary Jane"

    uhm...... Googie: Shaggy's girlfriend in Scooby-Doo and the Reluctant Werewolf. Crystal: A hippie girl who turned out to be an alien in Scooby-Doo And The Alien Invaders. Rachel: A past girlfriend in the What's New, Scooby-Doo? episode, A Scooby-Doo Valentine. Meadow: A...
  10. smurf_you

    Poll: If you were legally allowed to sample human flesh, just once - would you?

    Apparently (and I don't know how accurate this is so don't like... quote me to people lol) we used to eat our dead all the time (like a loooooooooooooong time ago) before people started telling them that it was wrong and forcing them to bury their dead instead Apparently it used to be a...
  11. smurf_you

    What is your favorite insult?

    surprised no ones mentioned this yet, but its a great insult from the British Life on Mars Lets see if I can find it..... Sorry I can't imbed....
  12. smurf_you

    Old schoolmates getting knocked up!

    I have heard of SO many people that have had kids =/ (grad 2009 btw) its actually making me feel a bit pressured to be honest (both of my aunts are having babies as well, one of them just had her first and the other is having her second - at 40 *sigh*- ) so I feel a bit... left out I guess...
  13. smurf_you

    What's the story behind your avatar?

    my avatar is a cat girl I found in my bf's "cute things" folder (I know right?) and I thought she kinda looked like me so I thought I'd use it
  14. smurf_you

    Childhood crush?

    James Marsters..... I saw him in Buffy.... and I had a HUGE thing for him.... still do really... and he still looks pretty good now >.> This is a recent picture.... he's the one...
  15. smurf_you

    Poll: You're pregnant. What do you do?

    honestly, I don't know.... I'm in a stable relationship, I'm (almost) financially stable.... but I just don't see it yet, but I think I would have a hard time with abortion (I had a miscarriage at 16, was going to probably give it up anyway but still...) *shrugs* sorry that I don't have a...