Recent content by Snap07

  1. S

    dingrats: "Just Loot It"

    Oh boy. Well, to start off nice: the video wasnt all bad. There was definitly some effort put into this. I didnt have a problem with the song either. Still it was a pretty unsmooth move to put this thing on the zero punctuation timeslot. Yathzees fancrowd probably isnt that big a fan of...
  2. S

    Portal: Less is More

    I agree with most points like the different atmospheres of HL1 and HL2 and while i wouldnt use the same words (acid as tag?) i agree that Portal is the best game released in a long time, not despite it being so short but rather because it was so short. Strangely it wasnt so much the concept...
  3. S

    Zero Punctuation: The Orange Box

    No hard feelings :) Anyway, do these support cake? Ive heard Vista comes with a curiousity sphere...
  4. S

    Zero Punctuation: The Orange Box

    uh i cant agree on bioshock being to complex or to unpolished though sometimes i enjoy casual mindless stuff but also complex games are fun to alot of people id rather say that simple game concepts are more limiting to some gamers so i dont quite see ur point i rather think it depends more on...
  5. S

    Zero Punctuation: The Orange Box

    "These mediocre conformist products are just fodder for the dump sheeple! Im so special that im way above having fun with that!" would sound alot less dumb if he could just accept that other people can have different tastes without being "stupid". Yet, alas lightbulb has pretty much shown us his...
  6. S

    Zero Punctuation: The Orange Box

    I ... i ... . just love you in every way. And here i was thinking that one could do the ZeroPunctiation concept only so long without getting motonous. I cant believe ive ever doubted you. Theres just so much right in this video it shouldnt physically be possible to be just about four and a half...
  7. S

    Zero Punctuation: Halo 3

    Halo3 is fun to play. It doesnt blow me away, but thats cool. Today youre not selling a game best because of its highest quality, but because it fits the lowest common denominator and does all that stuff right. Which is basically all Yahtzees said. What part of "is by no means bad" is so hard to...
  8. S

    Zero Punctuation: Halo 3

    Well, maybe nostalgia, funny playing/watching sessions with friends, people not really fluent in fps/scifi history simply not caring/knowing enough to really feel, all that stuff that makes one forget about the gaping flaws and still enjoy it nonetheless? Also, maybe not being cought up in the...
  9. S

    Zero Punctuation: Halo 3

    Actually, despite the mass of comments flooding in, the ratio of senseless bashing to praise for Yahtzee is actually quite (surprisingly) low. Most critis have either valid arguments for themselves - which basically all boil down to "its a matter of taste". As Yahtzee has said, he is giving _his...
  10. S

    Zero Punctuation: Halo 3

    Haha, Yahtzee what have you done. Throwing a halo review into the internet is like throwing a burning match into a fuel-tank. Seriously, you all care to much. Its an opinion about a console game for gods sake. Its a program to waste some time - thats it. What the hell is wrong with us...
  11. S

    Zero Punctuation: Halo 3

    Hi, just registered for this. Awesome review, i just love his way of setting opinions that are flying high due to raging hype-ing back on earth. Hes not "tearing anything down" just for the fun, hes just more honest that those "hay guys we need to fill this page here with awesome preview stuff...