Recent content by Sniper430

  1. Sniper430


    I love you guys :D
  2. Sniper430

    Curiosity Cube Terrifies Molyneux

    "No tutorial" "chip chip chip" "find things" obviously not 1 to 1. Just popped in mah head at the time. :D
  3. Sniper430

    Curiosity Cube Terrifies Molyneux

    Does this sound like a minecraft clone to anyone else? XD
  4. Sniper430

    Zero Punctuation: Dragon's Dogma

    This was one of the best ZP's yet. I was laughing so hard.
  5. Sniper430

    LoadingReadyRun: The 720th Degree

    I watched this 7 times. so great. 3:00 made my life.
  6. Sniper430

    Trailers: Starhawk - Cinematic Trailer

    Wow. Super pumped :D
  7. Sniper430

    Editor's Note: Connecting the Dots for Fun and Profit

    Sad to hear your moving away from your roots. Very glad to hear you will be maintaining expansive written articles though. Keep it up!
  8. Sniper430

    Critical Miss: Stowaways: Assassin's Creed

    Awesome! This segment keeps getting better and better :D
  9. Sniper430

    Editor's Note: DIY

    A one article edition and a letter from the editor that falls into the explicative gutter? Awesome >.< Hope you pick up your game next week Escapist....
  10. Sniper430

    Daily Drop: Billy the Bass

    Need. More. Drops. Really great series guys... sorry to see it go :/
  11. Sniper430

    305: What They Say

    This is amazing, hope to see more Escapist :D "Robert Ludwick: Lower price points and more piecemeal gameplay. Games like WoW are lengthy to play and many people don't want to spend forever playing one single game. Movies are consumed in smaller chunks and are cheaper to consume. A larger...
  12. Sniper430

    302: The World in a Chain Chomp

    Yeah, that was my other reasoning, it just seems so awkward throwing Latin into that sentence, and most sentences for that matter :P
  13. Sniper430

    302: The World in a Chain Chomp

    "You'd be forgiven if you didn't know that chain chomps - the toothy, black, ball-on-a-chain [***] guard dogs that first appear in level 2-5 - could actually break free from their eponymous chains"~From the article The word I made into asterisks seems like it shouldn't be there... maybe I'm...
  14. Sniper430

    Daily Drop: Silly String

    You should have taped down the cap before you dropped it!
  15. Sniper430

    Rock Band to Guitar Hero: Thanks for the Memories Found this online, It's a shame to see a franchise go down, even one thats been around way too long. :/