Recent content by Snippy the Shoe

  1. Snippy the Shoe

    Poll: Have you ever lost a pet?

    We've had a few hamsters die of old age and a few sickly/suicidal fish but that's it. My current dog is pretty much unloseable (in the running away sense). We sometimes accidentally lock her outside of the house and she'll just sit on the front step, waiting patiently for someone to notice...
  2. Snippy the Shoe

    So Escapist! What University will you be attending? (/do you attend?)

    *waves back* (Trinity by the way)
  3. Snippy the Shoe

    Samurai anime

    Well the first thing that came into my head was Samurai Champloo. I've only recently started it so I can't really say how good the entire series is. Starts promisingly though.
  4. Snippy the Shoe

    So Escapist! What University will you be attending? (/do you attend?)

    I'll be starting a four year master's in chemistry at Oxford on the 2nd of October....Now to see if I still remember everything I've been taught.
  5. Snippy the Shoe

    Need Some More Chemistry Help

    Happy to help :). Although if I were you I'd re-read the page in the textbook to check if I've paraphrased that correctly. I'd also recommend that you watch some of the videos on this site: It's full of really good explanations for most science and maths...
  6. Snippy the Shoe

    Need Some More Chemistry Help

    Well firstly the molecule has to have covalent bonds. Then you check the electonegativity of the atoms that are in the molecule ( The atom with the higher electronegativity is negative and the one with the lower electronegativity is positive...
  7. Snippy the Shoe

    That Unforgettable Nightmare

    The one that I remember the best from my childhood is being chased around by a supermarket trolley that I just know wants to eat me for some reason. I ask my parents to give me a piggyback ride so that i'm too high up for the trolley to reach me but they don't believe me. 'Twas a weird dream.
  8. Snippy the Shoe


    For me it would be Pokemon, then Digimon, then a bit of Cardcaptor Sakura. I didn't realise that they were specifically anime at the time though. The first thing i watched that i new was anime was Spirited Away, which then got me addicted to Studio Ghibli and i now have a fair amount of their...
  9. Snippy the Shoe

    Okami HD

    Well I don't have a PS3 but that trailer has definitely made me want to replay the PS2 version.
  10. Snippy the Shoe

    Poll: Your Pet is Drowning, and so is a Stranger.

    Save the stranger definitely. As much as i love my dog and would grieve for her i would never forgive myself for letting a person die. That being said i'm not a brilliant swimmer so i'd probably fail to do either unless i had a rope.
  11. Snippy the Shoe

    Piercings and body modification

    I just have the regular ear lobe piercings. Anything more than that generally looks excessive to me but it can suit some people. I do like the look of many tattoos but I wouldn't want one for myself- I can't really think of anything that I would still want on my skin when I'm old.
  12. Snippy the Shoe

    Top 5 Webcomics you read.

    I read loads of webcomics but here are five of my favourites that I don't think anyone has mentioned yet(in no particular order): String Theory Trying Human Fishbones The Fox Sister Grayscale
  13. Snippy the Shoe

    Personal habits.

    I never eat the bottom of the banana because i don't like the taste. But i hate to tell you that there is actually a spider that hides there. And it's toxic: (Details in the "Danger to Humans" section) I also pick at my nails whenever...
  14. Snippy the Shoe

    Anyone looking forward to the Cloud Atlas movie?

    I read the book a couple of years ago and i loved it. And i've recently seen the trailer: Personally i can't wait until it comes out but what are your thoughts? Do you think it'll be a good adaptation? If you haven't read the book does this trailer even make sense?
  15. Snippy the Shoe

    What are your hobbies (besides gaming)?

    I watch anime, do origami (mostly kusudamas as i can make lots of the repeat units while watching tv) and read webcomics. Lots and lots of webcomics :P. I also look after the fish tank at home which i guess doesn't count as a proper hobby...but who knew that fish keeping was so time consuming?